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Christian Marriage of convenience books

Are you looking for a fun and romantic read that will sweep you off your feet? Look no further than this list of clean marriage of convenience books! These novels feature couples who come together out of necessity, only to find they have more in common than meets the eye.

From the passionate conversations between two unlikely partners to their heart-warming journeys as they discover each other’s true feelings, these stories are sure to keep readers captivated until the very last page.

Whether it’s a billionaire businessman, an innocent country girl, or two former enemies forced into a loveless arrangement, these clean marriage of convenience books provides plenty of drama and romance for everyone.


So if you’re ready for some swoon-worthy moments with characters who will stay with you long after you finish reading, grab one of these delightful reads today!

What is the marriage of convenience trope?

The marriage of convenience trope is a popular plot device in fiction where two characters enter into an arrangement of marriage, usually for practical or monetary reasons. The relationship between the couple typically starts out as a loveless partnership and through time, they eventually begin to develop strong romantic feelings for each other.

This kind of story usually revolves around the idea that love can be found even in unlikely circumstances.

Top marriage of convenience books (3 favorites!!)

List of clean marriage of convenience books

We all love a good book with the same trope, and this blog post is here to help you find your next read. Whether it’s fantasy, historical fiction, or contemporary genre, I’ve got you covered!

I’ll be talking about some of my favorite books in each category that feature this beloved trope.

Marriage of convenience fantasy books

Crown of Shadows by K.M. Shea

Clean Urban Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.18 out of 5 stars

Faced with a collapsing Court, an unwilling fae is chosen to be the new Queen of the Night Court. With her newfound royal status comes challenges – political power struggles, assassins trying to kill her and archaic laws requiring marriage. In order for stability in this chaotic world she must find someone neutral who won’t incite further conflict…but why does she keep thinking about a certain assassin?

Why you should read this book? I absolutely adore K.M. Shea’s urban fantasy novels and this one is no exception! The world she creates is incredibly detailed and immersive, making it easy to get lost in her stories.

I loved how she still managed to keep swoon worthy romance in a clean urban fantasy–it added such a wonderful layer of depth that kept me turning the pages.

Fierce Heart by Tara Grayce

Clean Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.03 out of 5 stars

Essie, a human princess, is determined to make her unexpected marriage with the elf prince and warrior Laesornysh work. With dangerous tensions threatening war between their two kingdoms looming over them both, it’s her strength of will and willingness for compromise that might just be able to bring peace.

Why you should read this book? I absolutely loved this epic series that starts out with the marriage of convenience trope. The characters are incredibly well developed and I was amazed at the level of growth they experienced throughout the book.

I was also mesmerized by the descriptive settings that transported me into the Elf landscape.

“After all, if love was a choice as she’d been told, then how long did it take to make a choice? Only a moment, really. A series of moments as a person kept living out and making the choice again and again.”

― Tara Grayce, Fierce Heart

Come Back to Me by Jody Hedlund

Christian Historical Fantasy, Time Travel
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.12 out of 5 stars

Marian Creighton, a research scientist, never believed her father’s wild theory that an ultimate cure could heal any disease – until he fell into a coma after drinking holy water from the Tree of Life.

With tantalizing clues suggesting time travel and her sister suffering from a genetic illness to save, Marian ventures back in time during an uprising and is saved by valiant knight William Durham who offers protection as his wife. Now she must find out if it’s possible for her to remain with him or return home in order to help fix Ellen’s condition.

Why you should read this book? I found this book to be incredibly compelling because of its perfect mix of romance, danger, and time travel fantasy. It was an intriguing plot that had me hooked from the very beginning. The characters were well developed and I found myself rooting for them throughout the story.

Beguiled by Jody Hedlund

Christian YA Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.41 out of 5 stars

Princess Pearl and Prince Mikkel, two young outcasts in a land where the fairest maiden is cursed, must face Queen Margery’s sinister plot to kill her daughter.

When they find solace with each other on the Isle of Outcasts, they are forced into an arranged marriage that could save them both from certain death – but will their newfound love be enough to survive when darkness threatens?

Why you should read this book? This book is a perfect retelling of Snow White, with the perfect blend of romance and adventure that will make you swoon. Each character is wonderfully written and their dialogue is full of emotion and humor.

A Crimson Frost by Marcia Lynn McClure

Clean Historical Fantasy, Medieval
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.18 out of 5 stars

The Scarlet Princess Monet of the Kingdom of Karvana was beloved by her father, King Dacian, and adored by her people. Despite dreaming to find true love on her own terms, she knew that marriage would be arranged for political reasons.

When a hostile king from another kingdom threatened war against them, both the Crimson Knight – whom in secret she loved dearly – and Monet answered their call to battle; while he fought with armor and blade, she did so through sacrifice and secrets held close within herself. In order to protect what mattered most to their kingdom’s heart, Monet had no choice but to put aside any hope of ever being able to tell him how deeply felt for him… yet love is not easily forgotten.

Why you should read this book? This book is great because it has something for everyone. There’s no magic, so people who aren’t interested in those genres can still enjoy the story.

The plot line moves quickly and the classic love story between a princess and a knight is central to the tale. Even better, there are so many funny exchanges between characters that you will be laughing out loud.

Legend of the Oceina Dragon by J.F. Jenkins

Clean YA Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.57 out of 5 stars

Darien Oceina, the youngest son of a legendary dragon lord, and Tai Dawson – an ordinary girl who has no knowledge of him – have their fates intertwined when he chooses her to be his bride on his eighteenth birthday. But instead of being offered as a sacrifice, she is brought to live with him in another land far away from home.

As they learn more about each other amidst political strife and danger threatening them both, this unexpected duo embarks on a thrilling journey full of adventure where love blooms between two unlikely hearts- all while trying desperately to stay alive!

Why you should read this book? I absolutely loved this book because of its great characters and the closed door romance. The characters in the book really grow throughout, with each obstacle they come across shaping and developing them further.

The Crown of Anavrea by Rachel Rossano

Christian Historical Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.81 out of 5 stars

Labren’s luck had run out. Injured and on the brink of death, he was being pursued by a relentless patrol while having his life worth nothing more than a bounty placed upon him.

But then Eve appeared – an unlikely savior with her own moral dilemma: aid the poor stranger or return to her oppressive master? Her decision would alter both their lives irrevocably…

Why you should read this book? I thoroughly enjoyed reading this closed door romance book. It was fast-paced and kept me hooked right away, so I finished it quickly.

Although I would have liked for the book to be longer, this shorter read still left me wanting more in the best way possible. Plus, it fits perfectly with the clean marriage of convenience books list which I always find so fascinating.

Stolen Midsummer Bride by Tara Grayce

Clean Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.97 out of 5 stars

Basil, an assistant librarian at the Great Library of the Court of Knowledge, has decided to take a rather unconventional approach to finding love – stealing a human bride! But when he finds Meg – an illiterate farmgirl with no use for books – waiting for him instead, it’s clear that things are not as straightforward as they seem.

With Midsummer Night fast approaching and monsters threatening destruction upon their beloved library home, will these two opposites be able find true love while also protecting what is most precious?

Why you should read this book? I love this book because it really brings alive my bookish fantasies. Set in a magical giant library, the characters feel real and believable, providing some truly funny dialogue. But what I especially enjoy about this book is its sweet romance.

Marriage of convenience historical romance

The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews

Clean Victorian Historical Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.14 out of 5 stars

Julia Wychwood, a London heiress with an incurable romantic streak and crippling social anxiety, impulsively proposes to the mysterious Captain Jasper Blunt – once hailed as a military hero but now shrouded in scandal.

In exchange for her dowry and hand in marriage, she demands freedom to ride and read without masculine interference; however, one condition is set by Jasper: that she not explore his estate’s tower rooms or snoop around his affairs. As time passes at their isolated ruin of Yorkshire manor house, Julia becomes increasingly fascinated with this beastly former hero.

Why you should read this book? This book is a delightful regency romance that beautifully connects the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast.

I loved how the characters were so well-rounded and real; each one of them evolves in some way throughout the story. There’s an interesting plot with plenty of twists and turns, and I particularly liked the surprise ending.

Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer

Christian Historical Romance, Western
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.19 out of 5 stars

When fourteen years of vigilance hardens a man, Travis Archer is confronted with the unexpected: Meredith Hayes, an intruder on his land. Despite her trespass and their past connection, he can’t bring himself to send her away.

But when she risks everything for him in a heroic act of sacrifice – one that leaves both her reputation and body injured – gratitude sends him riding to rescue once again. With four brothers vying for just one bride as stakes against enemies who threaten them both, will love ever be theirs or does fate have something else in store?

Why you should read this book? This book is a great read for any historical romance lovers out there! The characters are well-developed and the plot line is fast-paced, keeping me up until 2 am to finish. Not only that, but the romantic plot is absolutely adorable with a marriage of convenience trope that will make you swoon.

A Bride of Convenience by Jody Hedlund

Christian Historical Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.27 out of 5 stars

Zoe Hart, a mill worker facing unemployment in 1863, eagerly embarks on an opportunity to start afresh and be reunited with her brother who had been accused of a crime. Pastor Abe Merivale discovers an abandoned baby while visiting Victoria and finds himself working alongside Zoe – one of the newly arrived bride-ship women – to care for it.

His plans are shattered when his fiancee back home announces she’s marrying someone else; further compounded by mounting pressure from all around them regarding finding the infant another home. In order to protect Zoe and out of frustration from his failed engagement, Abe proposes marriage instead as they come together reluctantly in holy matrimony only to find that their union was far more complicated than expected!

Why you should read this book? I absolutely loved Jody Hedlund’s book which features a marriage of convenience trope. Her meticulous research into the time period really comes alive in her amazing descriptions.

It contained a perfect blend of romance and suspense that kept me hooked from start to finish. If you’re into a good historical romance, this is definitely one book you won’t want to miss.

Harvest of Rubies by Tessa Afshar

Christian Biblical Fiction
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.43 out of 5 stars

Sarah, the queen’s favorite scribe living in a man’s world, has experienced an emotionally devastating past and believes that she is never worthy of God’s love. Meanwhile, Darius Pasargadae, a wealthy aristocrat accustomed to getting what he wants, finds himself engaged in an arranged marriage with her. Can they help each other break free from their personal struggles?

Why you should read this book? I thoroughly enjoyed reading the biblically-based fiction retelling of the story of Sarah, prophet Nehemiah’s cousin.

Sarah went through a remarkable journey of personal growth that was incredibly inspiring to witness. I believe this book is a great addition to any book club TBR list as it covers many important topics that allow for meaningful conversations.

“Pain is part of this life. No one can escape suffering. Not the vine, nor we humans, as you well know, my lady. But what if we are like the vine and that affliction only makes us better?”

― Tessa Afshar, Harvest Of Rubies

More Than Words Can Say by Karen Witemeyer

Christian Historical Romance, Western
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.40 out of 5 stars

Zacharias Hamilton has been living a content bachelor life until he finds himself entangled in an unexpected situation. He’s unable to ignore the plight of Abigail Kemp, baker of his favorite breakfast buns and owner of the bakery facing opposition from city council.

In order to save her business, they enter into a marriage of convenience – but soon find themselves entwined by deeper connections as darker dangers threaten them both. As trust between them grows, will their dreams for independence be lost or fulfilled?

Why you should read this book? This book is truly amazing! It conveys a wonderful message of forgiveness and healing that stays with you long after the last page.

The characters are so likable and entertaining to read about, I couldn’t put it down! It’s definitely worth binging the whole series as it just keeps getting better.

A Bride Most Begrudging by Deeanne Gist

Christian Historical Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.94 out of 5 stars

When a ship arrives from England, it brings with it new hope for the Virginia colony farmers in exchange of barrels of tobacco – specifically “tobacco brides,” young women looking to start a better life.

Drew O’Connor is not interested in such news until he meets Lady Constance Morrow- an independent minded and intelligent woman brought unwillingly to America who makes his convenient marriage more inconvenient than imagined! With her headstrong personality, moral values but undeniable charm, she challenges him like never before.

Why you should read this book? This book is an amazing read for Christian readers who love a good swoony romance! Not only does the book feature witty dialogue between its characters, but it also takes place in a colonial setting, making it even more interesting.

Child of the Mist by Kathleen Morgan

Christian Historical Romance, Scotland
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.81 out of 5 stars

Set in 1565 Scotland, the fragile peace between two rival clans is tested by superstition and deceit. Niall Campbell and Anne MacGregor are bound together through an arranged engagement that puts them at odds with their respective families as they face accusations of witchcraft.

As both grapple to find a way forward, someone lurking in the shadows threatens Niall’s life while he searches for evidence of a traitorous plot against him. Can love blossom amidst conflict?

Why you should read this book? I really enjoyed this cheesy fun romance read set in Scotland. It had a fast-paced storyline that kept me hooked from start to finish. Not only were the characters likable and charming but I was also captivated by the stunning Scottish backdrop.

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It’s the perfect place to dive deeper into your literary journey, get personalized book recommendations, and share your favorite reads with a supportive community.

A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagears

Christian Historical Romance, Western
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.91 out of 5 stars

Everett Cline had been hurt by failed attempts at mail order brides and had given up on finding love. That is until a determined neighbor brings Julia Lockwood to town for him from Massachusetts.

Although skeptical of how such a cultured woman could be happy with his simple life in the prairie, he agrees to marry her “in name only” as an arrangement of convenience – but neither expects that feelings between them will soon grow stronger than ever anticipated.

Why you should read this book? As a reader, I’m always looking for books that offer a captivating story and an interesting plot. This book is no exception!

The plot line of this clean marriage of convenience book is so intricate and thought-provoking that it will hook you in right away. The characters in this book are also incredibly well-rounded, with each possessing their own unique traits and motivations.

“He’d start slow. But he would woo his wife. No matter what personality lay behind the veneer of beauty, she was the only wife he had. And that made her worth it.”

― Melissa Jagears, A Bride for Keeps

The Unlikely Wife by Debra Ullrick

Christian Historical Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.94 out of 5 stars

Michael Bowen was expecting a refined lady as his proxy-bride, but instead finds himself married to Selina Farleigh – an independent woman who wears trousers and carries a rifle.

Despite the initial shock of their mismatch in expectations, over time Michael discovers that he may have found more than expected with this unlikely bride; only time will tell if they can make it work.

Why you should read this book? This book is an excellent choice for those looking for a romantic novel that is also deeply rooted in faith.

What sets this story apart is its honest portrayal of the characters, who are flawed and face real problems like the rest of us. Through their struggles, readers will be reminded that no matter how difficult life can be, God always provides exactly what we need.

Romancing the Bride by Melissa Jagears

Christian Historical Romance, Western
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.26 out of 5 stars

Annie Gephart is desperate to keep the ranch where her family and husband are buried, so she must either marry or sell. With few options in town who’d consider a surprise proposal from an unassuming widow with children, Jacob Hendrix takes on the challenge of marrying into this unconventional arrangement for his dream land.

But together they face more than just taxes; cattle rustlers, broken friendships and disobedient kids all threaten their newfound union – can love conquer it all?

Why you should read this book? This book is a great read, especially if you’re looking for a unique take on the marriage of convenience trope.

With its fast-moving plot points and great depth, this is an engaging story that will keep you turning pages. The swoony romance between the two main characters makes this book even more enjoyable!

Secrets & Charades by Cindy Ervin Huff

Christian Historical Romance, Western
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.30 out of 5 stars

Jake Marcum is a busy rancher with no time for romance, but when his niece needs taming and he’s plagued by nightmares from the battlefield, he seeks out an unconventional solution: to find a mail order bride. Enter Dr. Evangeline Olson who has her own secrets she wants to keep hidden – until circumstances force them together in matrimony.

However, their relationship will be put through its paces as they navigate cattle rustling and kidnapping while trying to build something real between them despite past hurts that linger beneath the surface of this marriage of convenience.

Why you should read this book? This book is an enthralling read, and it’s easy to see why. The characters are incredibly well-developed and their growth throughout the story is both moving and inspiring. The plot line is captivating, with a few unexpected twists thrown in that keep you on the edge of your seat.

The Bachelor and the Bride by Sarah M Eden

Clean Romance, Historical Mystery
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.12 out of 5 stars

Barnabus, a selfless gentleman and member of the Dread Penny Society, is devoted to helping those in need – including rescuing Gemma Kincaid from her notorious family. Six months after their marriage for protection, she left due him not returning her affections.

When he invites her back home with an ulterior motive involving thwarting his enemies’ sinister plans that threaten London’s safety; they discover there may be more than just duty between them as clues lead them closer towards danger while also reigniting the flame of love.

Why you should read this book? As a reader, I absolutely adore this Victorian mystery suspense book! Not only does it contain a sweet romance between the two main characters, but the supporting cast of humorous characters adds an extra layer of delight to the story. The plot is full of twists and turns that will keep you on your toes.

Modern marriage of convenience romance novels

The Princess by Lori Wick

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.14 out of 5 stars

In Pendaran, Shelby Parker leads an unassuming yet content life until she is noticed by the King and Queen of House Markham. They are seeking a new wife for their widowed son, Prince Nikolai; in accordance with tradition, they agree to an arranged marriage.

While he behaves courteously in public, at home his demeanor remains aloof leaving Shelby confused as to what lies within his heart – will love ever blossom between them or remain forever hindered? Can faith be enough to bridge the gap?

Why you should read this book? I absolutely adore this book because of its theme of true love being a choice. This resonated with me and so many other readers, which makes it one of my favorites.

Not only that, but the story also includes the beloved trope of royalty and commoners, adding an extra level of depth to the plot. It’s no wonder why it has become one of the most popular books around!

Better Together by Mandi Blake

Christian Contemporary Romance, Western
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.75 out of 5 stars

Colt has been harboring feelings for Remi, his best friend, since high school. When tragedy strikes and he risks losing custody of his beloved niece and nephew, she comes up with an unconventional plan to help – a marriage of convenience between them.

Neither truly believes in love but as they work together their bond begins to deepen into something more real than either expected; will it be enough to heal the wounds from each other’s pasts?

Why you should read this book? I absolutely loved this book! It was full of the classic friends-to-lovers trope and was also a beautiful marriage of convenience. The roller coaster of emotions within the story had me crying and smiling all throughout my reading experience.

What I appreciated even more were the characters in this series – they were so well-developed and each one added an important element to the story. If you’re looking for clean marriage of convenience books to add to your TBR, this is definitely one I would recommend!

The Accidental Bride by Denise Hunter

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.08 out of 5 stars

Shay Brandenberger, a single mother living in Moose Creek, Montana with her daughter and struggling to keep up financially is thrown for a loop when she agrees to play the bride at Founders’ Day wedding reenactment. To her surprise – though not entirely unwelcome – standing there as the groom is none other than Travis McCoy; the man who left town years ago chasing his dreams of rodeo fame and fortune.

Through an unforeseen twist of fate their make-believe vows become legally binding leaving Shay facing two options: accept Travis’s offer or risk losing everything that matters most including possibly even more than just property if she lets him back into her heart again!

With all signs pointing towards this being some kind of divine intervention from above it will be up to them both to decide whether trusting each other was worth risking it all for love.

Why you should read this book? I absolutely love this book because of its unique portrayal of the accidental marriage turned marriage of convenience trope.

It was so enjoyable to read, and I found myself captivated by the dialogue between the characters. The setting was the perfect backdrop to their romance, allowing me to really immerse myself in their story.

“He had no idea what missing was. Missing was lying in the dampness of your tears night after night. Missing was a constant hollow spot in the center of your chest. Missing was a yawning ache that was never satisfied.”

― Denise Hunter, The Accidental Bride

Dual Power of Convenience by Chautona Havig

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.44 out of 5 stars

Richard Danforth and Lyla Santana are two unlikely strangers, each with a broken heart. He’s on the path to becoming a billionaire while she just graduated from Oxford University determined to avoid men forever.

When they marry in an arrangement made entirely of paper, neither expects for him to show up at her doorstep weeks later – testing their resolve and challenging them both emotionally as they strive for their own happily-never-afters.

Why you should read this book? I absolutely loved this book! It had the perfect setting for a beach read, making it the ideal book to pick up for some summertime relaxation. I found myself quickly engrossed in the story, and I was really impressed with how well-developed both the main and side characters were.

They all had unique personalities and underwent interesting arcs, which made them feel real and relatable. On top of that, the dialogue between all characters was often hilarious and witty – I found myself laughing out loud more than once!

Dangerous Beauty by Melissa Koslin

Christian Romantic Suspense
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.16 out of 5 stars

Liliana Vela is a brave young woman determined to reclaim her life after escaping from human traffickers. Fortunately, she meets Meric Toledan who steps in and rescues her with the help of his wealth and resources.

But they face danger as an unknown buyer seeks revenge for Liliana’s rescue; will freedom come at any cost? Melissa Koslin takes readers on a thrilling journey filled with suspense that explores what it truly means to be free.

Why you should read this book? I was incredibly impressed with this book – the perfect blend of faith, romance, and mystery had me hooked from the very beginning.

The pacing of the plot line was spot on; it kept me engaged and invested throughout the story. I found myself staying up until 2 am just to finish the book!

First to Fall by Jenny B. Jones

Clean Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.35 out of 5 stars

This morning, Olivia Sutton had a shock. Not only was she suffering from the effects of a hangover without having touched alcohol, but to her surprise, she discovered that somehow in an unprecedented turn of events -she’d gotten married! Her plan for the next ten years was suddenly thrown into disarray as it did not involve getting hitched with her former nemesis Lachlan Hayes.

But soon they devise a scheme which if successful could resolve multiple issues between them and also create new ones; secrets being unveiled while their fake marriage slowly becomes real make both wonder when this arrangement will come to its end-and who’ll be first one to fall?

Why you should read this book? This book is an absolute delight to read, thanks to its amazing dialogue and banter between the two main characters. It definitely has that signature Hallmark rom-com feel that so many readers enjoy!

The enemies to lovers trope mixed with the forced proximity of their marriage of convenience gives the story a unique twist and keeps readers hooked until the very end.

If you’re looking for something light and funny to read, this book is perfect for you! From the laugh-out-loud moments to the sweet and romantic ones, it’s sure to put a smile on your face.

🚨 Are you every confused by bookish acronyms or terms? Make sure to check out this post with 100+ acronyms every reader needs to know!

An Unlikely Proposal by Toni Shiloh

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.37 out of 5 stars

Despite their best efforts, Trinity Davis and firefighter Omar Young may find themselves crossing a line they never expected to – marriage!

With the promise of financial security for Trinity and an adoptive mother for his daughters, it’s no surprise that this close friendship is beginning to venture into uncharted territory. But will these two be able to keep from breaking one more important vow: not falling in love?

Why you should read this book? This book was a fantastic read! I particularly enjoyed how it combined the friends to lovers and marriage of convenience tropes into one story.

The characters were so well-developed and had such meaningful growth throughout the novel. It was great to see their development and relationship change as they began to get to know each other better. I really appreciated the presence of prayer throughout this book.

The Isaac Project by Sarah Monzon

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.08 out of 5 stars

Becky Sawyer’s world is turned upside down when she discovers her boyfriend with another woman and learns that her beloved grandfather, who raised her, is dying. His last wish? To see Becky happily married!

Inspired by the story of Isaac & Rebekah in the Bible, Luke Masterson takes a vow to stay away from all women – including crazy ones like Becky. However, he soon feels prompted by the divine spirit to travel across the country and marry someone he doesn’t know: can an arranged marriage still bring joy in modern times?

Why you should read this book? I absolutely loved this book because of the relatable characters and their swoony romance. It was so nice to get into both characters’ heads with the dual point-of-view, as it allowed me to really understand how they think and feel about each other. I thought it was brilliant how the author blended a modern take on mail order brides into the story.

Finding Mr. Write by Carol Moncado

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.28 out of 5 stars

Jeremiah, a heartbroken man with contractual obligations preventing him from talking about work, unexpectedly finds himself smitten by Dorrie Miller when they meet at their local writers’ group. When an opportunity arises for them to attend the annual Christian Authors Network conference in Indianapolis together, Dorrie takes it – only to find herself accidentally married to this near stranger!

With her own insecurities and his secrets standing between them can she trust that God is helping bring these two unlikely people closer? Will their journey end up being one of Finding Mr Write?

Why you should read this book? This book is an absolute joy to read because of the way that the author has crafted a captivating plot with incredibly lovable characters.

I was especially impressed by how each of these characters experienced personal growth throughout the story – it made their arcs feel very real and relatable. The marriage of convenience between two of the main characters was portrayed in a realistic way, and there were some really funny moments of dialogue between them.

The Wedding Game by Amy Matayo

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.88 out of 5 stars

Cannon James and Ellie McAllister, two strangers thrown into an arranged marriage for a reality show with the promise of two million dollars.

Despite their differences – he’s arrogant; she believes that marriage is sacred – they soon find themselves attracted to one another as they struggle to make viewers believe in their love story. With tensions rising over six months, will this unlikely pair be able to turn what was once the worst decision of their lives into something beautiful?

Why you should read this book? Reading this charming and witty book was a real delight. The combination of the opposites attract trope with an intriguing game show made for a truly hilarious dialogue between the characters and sweet romance. It felt like I was reading a rom-com movie!

Calming the Storm by Melanie D. Snitker

Christian Contemporary Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.03 out of 5 stars

Rachel Peters has been through a lot in life, and when tragedy strikes her family she is desperate to keep custody of her niece.

When Brandon Barlow steps into the picture with an offer of help – marriage for convenience – it provides them all stability they need. But as their relationship develops so does his feelings for Rachel, and he must find a way to show that even during difficult times there can be hope if you are not alone.

Why you should read this book? Reading this book was an absolute pleasure because of the great plot which had some unexpected twists and turns that kept me on my toes.

The characters were so realistically portrayed that I found myself loving them and wanting to know more about their stories. The descriptive settings truly transported me into the world of this book, filling it with life and energy.

Did you discover the best clean marriage of convenience books?

These clean marriage of convenience books are a great way to escape reality and enjoy a romantic story with some lighthearted humor. They provide readers with an opportunity to explore the complexities of love, relationships, and family dynamics in unique ways.

Whether you’re looking for something heartfelt or funny, these stories will keep you engaged until the very end. With so many options available out there, every reader can find their own happily ever after!

So don’t wait any longer – pick up one (or more!) of these delightful reads today and get ready to be swept away by romance!

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