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Clean historical fiction books

Are you a fan of historical fiction, but tired of picking up a book only having to stop reading it because of explicit content? Well, have no fear because I am sharing my favorite clean historical romance novels!

Clean historical fiction books, particularly those in the romance genre, are becoming increasingly popular as more and more readers are looking for stories that are not only engaging and well-written but also free of graphic content. They focus on the beauty and depth of the relationships between characters, instead of relying on steamy scenes to make a point.

castle in a clean historical romance novels

Wholesome romances help promote healthy relationships and values. With a focus on emotional connection and communication, readers can enjoy the romance without feeling uncomfortable or objectified.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing all my go-to clean historical romance authors and books so that you can easily find your next favorite book!

So grab a blanket and your coffee, and keep scrolling to discover my top favorite historical romance books.

What is a clean romance novel?

Clean romance novels at the core are simply books without any explicit content. This can mean no explicit content, language, or graphic violence. It’s all about the love story without focusing on lust.

Clean historical romance novels offer the opportunity to focus on the emotional connection and communication between two characters. This doesn’t mean there isn’t some swoon-worthy chemistry or no passion, it’s just written in a wholesome way.

These books will focus on themes of family, community, and faith, which will have you feeling uplifted.

So, if you are a Christian or someone who loves to read romance but wants to skip all the explicit content, a clean romance novel will be just what you are looking for.

Is there a market for clean romance novels?

Yes, 100% there is definitely a market for clean romance novels! In fact, the popularity of these books has been on the rise in recent years. If you jump onto the internet you will see more and more clean romance novels being published and sold every year.

This growth can be part of several factors, including a desire for more wholesome content, counter-movement to more explicit content, and changing attitudes towards sexuality and relationships.

This shift is reflected in the publishing industry, where more and more clean romance novels are being acquired and marketed toward younger audiences.

Despite some people’s beliefs it is possible to create a compelling storyline and only include wholesome content. You can have lots of tension and drama without resorting to explicit scenes.

Overall, the growing market for clean historical romance novels suggests that readers are seeking out stories that prioritize emotional depth and character development over explicit content.

What authors write clean romance?

If you’re looking for wholesome romance books, there are so many different talented authors to choose from. Some of the most popular clean romance authors that readers love are:

1. Sarah M. Eden
2. Jen Geigle Johnson
3. Julianne Donaldson
4. Julie Klassen
5. Francine Rivers

These authors are known for telling romance stories that focus on the emotional connections between their main characters and include faith-filled inspiration throughout their books.

Regardless of their individual writing styles, all these authors focus on creating an engaging storyline with impactful stories that stay true to the values of the clean romance genre.

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If you’re as passionate about reading as I am, why not take the next step and join my exclusive Facebook group, the Clean & Christian Readers Book Club?

It’s the perfect place to dive deeper into your literary journey, get personalized book recommendations, and share your favorite reads with a supportive community.

Best clean historical romance novels

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

1 | The Reluctant Duchess by Roseanna M. White

Christian Historical Romance

Lady Rowena Kinnaird, the heiress to a Highland earldom, has never felt good enough. She’s willing to be an outcast if it means escaping those threatening her life after a shocking attack.

Brice Myerston, Duke of Nottingham, has enough on his plate with a rare treasure for which many would kill, yet those around him seem intent on pairing him with the desperate but beguiling Lady Rowena.

Rowena is reluctant to marry this notorious flirt, and when she learns that Brice is mixed up in questionable business with a stolen treasure, she fears for her safety.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: The whole romance was swoon-worthy, and I really enjoyed the shared dynamic post-marriage. The theme of faith was strong with prayers and redemption shown in the characters.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

2 | Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Christian Historical Romance

In the 1850’s California’s gold country, Angel, a woman who was forced into prostitution as a child, meets Michael Hosea, a man who loves God and is called by Him to marry Angel and love her no matter what.

Through Michael’s unconditional love, Angel starts to feel again. However, Angel feels unworthy and scared, and she runs away from Michael’s love. But she realizes that her healing can only come from the One who loves her more than Michael and who will never let her go.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This is one of the most popular Christian historical fiction books! I read this book many years ago and Angel’s story still touches my heart. It is a true depiction of God’s love for us and how He longs for redemption for us.

Just because you don’t believe in the Lord doesn’t mean his power isn’t working for you.

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

3 | Sabrina by Lori Wick

Christian Historical Romance

Sabrina Matthews, a prostitute in Denver, is befriended by a police officer and his wife who introduce her to Jesus. She stays with the couple until she decides to start over in a different town.

Sabrina moves to Token Creek in Montana Territory, where she becomes friends with Jeanette Fulbright, the church family, and many of the town’s people. Despite her past, Sabrina falls for Pastor Rylan Jarvik, who reciprocates her feelings. Will she tell Rylan about her past, and if so, how will he react?

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: With a similar thread of hope and forgiveness seen in Redeeming Love, this story is a great read and reminder that we are forgiven no matter what.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

4 | The Elusive Miss Ellison by Carolyn Miller

Christian Regency Historical Romance

Hampton Hall’s new owner, the seventh Earl of Hawkesbury, has caused a stir in the village of St. Hampton Heath. Lavinia Ellison, daughter of the local reverend, sees him as arrogant and reckless, like his brother who took someone important from her.

However, Nicholas Stamford, burdened by guilt and war trauma, finds Miss Ellison intriguing with her intelligence, spirited behavior, and beautiful singing voice.

As they get to know each other, he realizes that he cares for her. Can they overcome their social differences, Lavinia’s cold demeanor, and his own obligations to build a future together despite the secrets that threaten to tear them apart?

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: If you love clean regency romance novels and Jane Austen, you will love this book! It is the perfect blend of funny banter and important faith topics.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

5 | A Rumored Fortune by Joanna Davidson Politano

Christian Historical Romance

Tressa Harlowe’s father didn’t trust banks and left his vast fortune hidden on his estate in South England. When he died suddenly, he didn’t tell anyone where he had put it. Tressa and her ailing mother are left with a mansion, a vineyard, and no money.

To prevent opportunists from taking advantage of their situation and to find her father’s fortune, Tressa must work with the vineyard manager to keep the laborers content without pay.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: I’ve really been loving treasure hunt books recently and this one does a great job at it! The combination of the historical setting, mystery, and romance makes this a fun, quick read.

Perhaps it’s a risk, but I’m willing to take it. You see, I’ve just asked God for help in providing for my family, and I’m not about to go wasting his solution.

A Rumored Fortune by Joanna Davidson Politano

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

6 | Courting Miss Lancaster by Sarah M. Eden

Clean Regency Historical Romance

Harry loves Athena, but he’s poor and can’t marry a noblewoman. Athena’s guardian asked Harry to help her find a good husband, but Harry is secretly trying to make her dislike all the suitors he’s introducing her to. Athena doesn’t understand why she can’t find a good match, but she likes Harry as a friend. How long can Harry’s plan stay hidden? And what will Athena do when she finds out?

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance!: This is not Christian, but it is a clean historical romance novel. It also has great rom-com moments, with some of the best banter between the two main characters.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

7 | Remember Me by Tracie Peterson

Christian Historical Romance

Addie Bryant’s past is haunted by heartbreak and betrayal. After Isaac Hanson left the Yukon, Addie vowed to wait for him. However, her father’s death forces her to be sold to a brothel owner. Addie manages to escape but believes she can never have the future she dreams of.

Years later, Addie finds peace as a photographer, teaching Camera Girls how to use and sell Brownie cameras. At the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo in Seattle, she reunites with Isaac. However, when her past catches up with her, Addie must decide whether to run or confront her wounds and embrace her life, future, and faith in God.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This was a captivating historical romance with great characters. There is a very sweet romance with a second chance trope.

🚨 Make sure to mix up your clean historical romance novels with some great contemporary romance reads! This will keep everything fresh and fun to read with out getting into a reading slump!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

8 | Yesterday’s Tides by Roseanna M. White

Christian Historical Romance

Evie Farrow lives on Ocracoke Island in 1942 when German U-boats begin to threaten their waters. Her life changes when special agent Sterling Bertrand washes ashore at her inn, injured and searching for a man. As Sterling tracks his target, he becomes interested in Evie, who appears to be keeping secrets.

In 1914, Englishman Remington Culbreth falls in love with Louisa Adair, the daughter of the innkeeper of Ocracoke Inn, where he is staying for the summer. However, their relationship is threatened when war breaks out in Europe.

Evie and Sterling uncover mysteries from a past generation as they search for a German agent. The effects of the Great War are still present, and yesterday’s events could endanger everyone once again today.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This is a dual-timeline novel set on a beachy island that will keep you reading late into the night. I loved the different POVs that were included and it was a very original clean historical romance novel.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

9 | A Bride in the Bargain by Deeanne Gist

Christain Historical Romance

In Seattle during the 1860s, a widowed man could claim 640 acres of land. Joe Denton lost his wife and is now losing half his claim. To keep a cook, he decides to buy a Mercer girl from the East and marry her in name only.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: I loved Anna’s character! She was so strong and worked perfectly with Joe. There was great character development throughout the story and the plot line was captivating.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

10 | The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson

Christian Historical Romance

What happens when a nobleman falls for a servant girl? The Margrave of Thornbeck needs a wife and invites ten noblewomen to stay at Thornbeck Castle for two weeks to test their character.

Avelina, a maidservant posing as a noblewoman, must stay hidden and avoid being chosen. Despite her efforts, the margrave takes interest in her and a sinister plot unfolds in the castle. Will Avelina be able to stop it, and at what cost?

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This is almost like a Christian Bachelor but make it a clean medieval romance novel! I loved the whole idea surrounding this book and the plotline was engaging. You will be able to read this in one sitting!

She was so lovely, it hurt his chest to gaze at her, especially knowing she was courageous and clever too.

The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

11 | A Loyal Heart by Jody Hedlund

Christian Historical Romance

Lady Olivia and her sister are held for ransom by Lord Pitt, her father’s enemy. To save her sister, Olivia must steal a sacred relic from her captor, as ordered by her father. Sir Aldric, Lord Pitt’s commander, is tasked with protecting Olivia.

When Olivia is caught stealing and thrown into the dungeon, Aldric proposes to her to save her life. However, Olivia must choose between marrying Aldric or a wealthy marquess. As they fight for their love and lives, they face danger and loyalty tests.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This is another story that includes knights and is set in the medieval time period. It has action, Christain values, and of course a swoon-worthy romance. It’s a must-read for your clean historical romance novels TBR!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

12 | The Governess of Penwythe Hall by Sarah E. Ladd

Christian Historical Romance

Delia flees Cornwall in 1811 after being accused of killing her husband and becomes a governess. She cares for her employer’s five children after his death, but they surprise their new guardian, Jac Trethewey, by arriving unannounced at Penwythe Hall.

Jac, who wants to revive the apple orchards, faces challenges as he deals with grief and bewilderment while the children settle into the ancient halls. The enigmatic governess and her mysterious past disrupt his plans. The Twethewey family seeks peace, justice, and love on the Cornish coast while confronting family secrets, danger, and the allure of new love.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: Delia and Jac are great characters to read about and the added depth of guilt and grief made them relatable. I loved that there was the perfect combination of intrigue along with sweet romance, making it perfect to read in spring time!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

13 | A Bride Most Begrudging by Deeanne Gist

Christian Historical Romance

Ships from England arrive in Virginia with eligible women seeking a better life in America. They’re called “tobacco brides” because they’re traded for tobacco barrels. Drew O’Connor, a heartbroken man, wants only a maid.

But he ends up with a wife, Lady Constance Morrow, a feisty, intelligent redhead who wants to go back to England. She can’t cook, argues with him, does math instead of housework, and turns their marriage of convenience into something much more inconvenient.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: I love clean marriage of convenience books and this one fits that perfectly! Constance and Drew have one of my favorite love stories. The added historical elements of early colonial life made this book perfect.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

14 | Child of the Mist by Kathleen Morgan

Christian Historical Romance

In 1565, two rival Scottish clans try to maintain a fragile truce. Anne MacGregor and Niall Campbell, the heirs of the feuding families, are engaged to each other. However, Niall suspects a traitor in his clan, and Anne’s actions are not helping.

There are rumors that she’s a witch, and Niall has to protect her from his hostile clan members. Meanwhile, someone wants Niall dead. Will Niall find the traitor and will Anne adjust to her new environment? Can they fall in love amidst the conflict?

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This book is a mix of romance and suspense and is a great example of clean historical romance novels. This has the enemies to lovers trope and I loved reading the banter between Anne and Niall. Most importantly there are lots of great remarks about faith throughout the book.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

15 | Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson

Clean Historical Romance

Marianne Daventry is tired of her boring life in Bath and an unwanted suitor. She decides to visit her twin sister, Cecily, at a country estate where she hopes to have fun while her sister tries to win the heart of the Edenbrooke heir.

However, Marianne’s plans go awry when she has a dangerous encounter with a highwayman and finds herself caught up in a mysterious and romantic adventure. Will Marianne be able to resist the stranger’s charm or will fate intervene and complicate things further during her summer at Edenbrooke?

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This is a very gentle romance book that is like Jan Austen. It is told from the first POV, and you will fall in love with all the characters. Marianne and Philips’s relationship is everything you could ever want in a romance novel.

You stole my heart the night we met, when you sang that ridiculous song and dared me not to laugh. and every moment I have spent with you since then, you have stolen more and more of me until when you’re not with me…” He drew in a breath. “When you are not with me, I am left with nothing but longing for you.

Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

16 | Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen

Clean Historical Fiction, Classic

Elizabeth Bennet is a country gentleman’s daughter, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, is a rich landowner. They need to get over their perceived faults in a society divided by class, in order to fall in love and get married.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: Elizabeth and Darcy’s journey toward love has always captivated me. It is amazing how Pride and Prejudice has endured and continues to speak to readers of all ages and backgrounds. This is a great book to add to your best clean regency romance novels list!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

17 | The Healer’s Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson

Christain Historical Romance

Rose the daughter of a woodcutter, becomes an apprentice healer at Hagenheim Castle. Despite her fear of blood, she is determined to succeed or else return home to marry a man chosen by her mother.

As she tends to Lord Hamlin’s wounds, she develops feelings for him, but they cannot be together since he is to marry a girl that has been hidden away. Rose embarks on a journey to discover her destiny amidst the confusion.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This is a semi-retelling of Sleeping Beauty with a Christian twist. I loved Rose’s character and Lord Hamlin was the perfect gentleman. You will get through this clean medieval romance novel quickly!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

18 | Rescuing Lord Inglewood by Sally Britton

Christian Historical Romance

Silas Riley, the Earl of Inglewood, is a wealthy and untrusting man known as the “man made of stone”. After an accident nearly takes his life, his social standing is threatened. Esther Fox, an outsider in her brother’s circle, saves Silas’ life and is forced to marry him to protect her reputation.

However, she knows Silas married her out of necessity and not love. Their relationship is further complicated by a tragic loss. Can they ever hope to understand each other and find true love after such a difficult start?

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This is both a marriage of convenience and a brother’s best friend romance all rolled into a historical setting! This book focuses a lot on Silas and Ester’s relationship, and you get to see great growth by the end. It is not Christian but is a squeaky-clean romance.

What matters is living without regrets, and loving without fear. I wish to make every moment we have together count. I love you. With my whole heart.

Rescuing Lord Inglewood by Sally Britton

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

19 | No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer

Christian Historical Romance

Emma Chandler’s suffragette aunts inspired her to create a women’s colony in Harper’s Station, Texas. But when an unknown attacker threatens their safety, Emma realizes they might need a man to fight back.

Malachi Shaw, an explosives expert for the railroad, comes to help Emma. As the danger increases, Emma and Malachi’s feelings for each other grow stronger, but surviving will require more than just love.

🏰  Why you must read this historical romance: This book had me captivated from the start! There were so many twists and turns and I fell in love with all the strong characters. Karen writes some of my favorite clean historical romance novels so make sure to check out her other books.

Did you discover the best clean historical romance novels?

I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey into the world of clean historical romance novels and have found some new books to add to your reading list. We’ve covered the importance of clean romance novels, their growing popularity, and some amazing novels to start out within this genre.

The beauty of clean historical romance novels is they provide an escape to a different time while promoting faith-filled values and relationships.

As a reader, you will be uplifted and inspired by these sweet romance stories.

If you are looking for book recommendations make sure to check out this amazing list from GoodReads.

Let me know in the comments below if there are any books that should be added to this list!

Happy reading!

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  1. Hi, Kassidy, 🙂
    The first three authors on your list — Sarah Eden, Jen Johnson, and Julianne Donaldson — are actually Mormon. When I buy their books, I know that ten percent of the authors’ profits will be tithed to the Mormon Church which makes me really uncomfortable.

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me and sharing your thoughts. If you’re not feeling comfortable reading the recommended books, then I totally understand and suggest skipping them. But don’t worry, there are still plenty of great Christian books on the list that should meet your needs.

  2. Hi, Kassidy–
    Thanks so much for the reading suggestions! I was looking for some clean historical novels and was excited to find your article.
    As a Latter-Day Saint, I am familiar with Sarah Eden’s work and enjoy her books.
    Have you read any of Laura Frantz’s books? In my opinion, she is a very gifted Christian author. Love’s Reckoning was my first Laura Frantz book and after that, I was hooked! She has the amazing talent to add faith to her books without being overbearing.
    Best to you!

    1. Hey there! I’m so glad you found the blog post helpful! 😊 And yes, Laura Frantz is definitely on my radar. I’ve only had the chance to read A Heart Adrift by her, and I loved how she brings the culture and history to life. I will add Love’s Reckoning to my TBR list! If you have any more suggestions from her collection, I’d love to hear them. Thanks for sharing!

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