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Clean fantasy books for adults: enemies to lovers trope edition

If you’re anything like me, there’s a special place in your heart for clean enemies to lovers fantasy books. Few things match the thrill of watching two characters who can’t stand each other slowly (or sometimes not-so-slowly) fall head over heels in love.

Add a dash of fantasy, and you’ve got a recipe for an unputdownable book. But hey, not all of us are looking for graphic content in those pages – sometimes, you just want some good, clean fun.

So, buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a magical journey through some of the best clean fantasy books with an enemies to lovers twist. Whether you’re a seasoned fantasy reader, or just dipping your toes, there’s something here for you. So, let’s turn that page and dive in, shall we?

What is the enemies to lovers trope?

Ah, the “enemies to lovers” trope, a classic and oh-so-popular device in storytelling! This trope takes two characters who, at the start, can’t stand each other or are true enemies.

I mean, we’re talking serious animosity here. But as the story unfolds, they gradually move past their differences (and sometimes, past quite a bit of bickering) to discover they’ve actually got feelings for each other.

It’s all about the tension, the drama, and that satisfying moment when they finally admit their feelings.

This trope is a staple in many romance novels and movies. So if you’re a sucker for a love story with a bit of a twist, this trope is your jam!

What are common tropes of enemies to lovers?

We’ve all come across these typical tropes in stories that have the enemies to lovers romance, and honestly, they’re pretty addictive. So, here are the classic tropes that I often come across:

  1. Forced proximity: Our ‘enemies’ are stuck together due to some unexpected circumstances (think stuck in an elevator or stranded in a snowstorm) and, surprise, surprise, sparks fly.
  2. Mutual goals: They might dislike each other, but they need to work together to achieve a common goal. As they say, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
  3. Slow burn romance: This is where the characters start off disliking each other but gradually develop feelings over time. It’s not an overnight flip but a slow, tantalizing build-up of love.
  4. Love-hate relationship: A whirlpool of emotions where they are constantly bickering and fighting, but underneath all that, there’s an undeniable, strong bond and attraction.
  5. Redemption arc: One of them does something that changes the other’s perspective, leading to a shift in their relationship. This often involves one character proving their worth or sincerity to the other.

The key to a good enemies to lovers story is in the development of the relationship. It’s all about the journey from disdain to deep love. So, happy reading (or writing)!

Best clean clean enemies to lovers fantasy books

These tales are full of magic, adventure, and of course, that delicious push and pull of two characters who start as foes and end up as something… well, a little more romantic. So grab your favorite cozy blanket and let’s dive into these enchanting worlds.

⭐️ Lots of these clean enemies to lovers fantasy books are Kindle unlimited so make sure to check them out! ⭐️

The Entangled Princess by Shantal Sessions

Medieval Fantasy
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.78 out of 5 stars

This book is a gem, with Princess Marguerite, or ‘Meg’, as a beacon of hope in a war-ridden kingdom. Meg, secretly helping the needy, stumbles upon a mesmerizing stranger, a soldier in her father’s army, his fighting prowess and mystique enthralling her.

As her kingdom teeters on the brink of a catastrophic attack, their secret encounters and forbidden romance risk their elusive future. The vivid setting transported me right into its heart, amid the crisp, adventure-filled air, luxuriant landscapes, and complex cityscapes.

The characters, so real and relatable, their dialogues laced with humor, wisdom, and tangible emotions. The adrenaline-pumping plot, riddled with the perfect measure of twists and turns, kept me riveted till the last page.

Romanov by Nadine Brandes

YA Historical Fantasy
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.76 out of 5 stars

Nastya Romanov is in quite a bind in this Anastasia retelling. Tasked with smuggling a spell into Siberia, pursued by an old enemy, the head of the Bolshevik army—her choices aren’t pretty. She can either gamble with uncertain magic or seek help from Zash, a soldier who doesn’t fit the Bolshevik mold.

The sparks between her and Zash add more tension to the already dangerous situation. This tale paints a vivid picture of royal Russian politics and family dynamics, sprinkled with just the right amount of fantasy.

Perfect for a newbie to the genre—you won’t feel swamped, but you’ll definitely get a feel for the allure of fantasy. Trust me, it’s a great standalone story!

“The bond of our hearts spans miles, memory, and time.”

― Nadine Brandes, Romanov

Beneath Fated Bonds by Anna Hawke

Clean Urban Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.71 out of 5 stars

Kane, our vampire lord, notorious for his werewolf vendetta, and Nova, a unique alpha female, are forced together due to their races’ rising conflicts. An attack on the vampire council sparks old grudges, pushing these two fiery personalities to join forces against a common enemy.

Amidst the danger, they’re drawn together by fate and surprising romance. Now, they have to dodge distractions while dealing with the enemy.

This book? It’s a roller-coaster ride of emotions! Think humor, suspense, giggles, and gasps. The characters are appealing and genuine, and the romance is heart-thumpingly magical.

If you love a thrill ride of feelings, this book is your golden ticket. In short, it’s an adventure you don’t wanna skip.

The Gift of Dragons by Rachel A. Greco

YA Fantasy
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.87 out of 5 stars

Adelaide’s thirst for revenge against the Gyndilians, who took her sister’s life, is put to the test when she crosses paths with Prince Elias—an enemy with hidden secrets tied to the kingdom’s extinct dragons.

If he can’t win Adelaide’s trust, peace may remain a distant dream for her, the kingdom, and the dragons.

This book isn’t just a read—it’s a fantasy dragon adventure with friends who grow, stumble, and eventually, soar. Each character arc is a thrilling journey, packed with unexpected twists and stirring peaks.

But the real star is the worldbuilding—vivid, rich, and so palpable, it’s as if you are living in it.

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If you’re as passionate about reading as I am, why not take the next step and join my exclusive Facebook group, the Clean & Christian Readers Book Club?

It’s the perfect place to dive deeper into your literary journey, get personalized book recommendations, and share your favorite reads with a supportive community.

For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten

Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.64 out of 5 stars

Red, the Second Daughter, is destined for sacrifice to the mythical Wolf in the Wood to liberate the world’s captive gods. However, the legends are misleading.

The Wolf is a man, not a beast, and her dangerous magic is a gift. The atmospheric writing style of the book and its slow-building plot captivates from the start, pulling you into a fascinating fantasy world of familiar and novel magic.

“The warm familiarity of the bookshelves kept her together, knit her back into herself as she wandered between them.”

― Hannah F. Whitten, For the Wolf

🚨 Disclaimer: Fade to black with some uses of strong language

A Warriors Heart by Misty M Beller

Christian Magical Realism (Fantasy-ish) Historical Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.28 out of 5 stars

Brielle Durand, a determined guardian of a tranquil French settlement in the Canadian Rockies, finds her world disrupted when American Soldier, Evan MacManus, trespasses amidst the War of 1812.

Both their lives become intertwined with duty, newfound emotions, and potential danger. As a clean enemies to lovers fantasy books fan, this story has captivated me.

It’s not a full-blown fantasy, but its touch of magical realism is perfect for explorers of the genre. The historical Rocky Mountains setting is enchanting, making readers feel the mountain wind and echoes.

Most compelling is the transformation of Brielle and Evan from enemies to lovers, their unwavering faith making their journey deeply inspiring.

Scales of Ash and Smoke by Emily L. Schneider

Clean Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.88 out of 5 stars

Whoa, this book totally blindsided me! It’s like every dragon tale we’ve grown up with just got a glam makeover. Kaida, once a human slave to dragons, now is one. Saved from her nasty master, Eklos, she’s been whisked away to the Royal Palace by Prince Tarrin, and discovers she’s a unique mutator formarum.

But life isn’t all rosy, with conspiracies against the Royals and her own safety at stake. Plus, there’s this sizzling, slow burn romance with Tarrin that’s got me squealing into my pillow early into the morning hours.

The characters are so well-crafted, their dialogues alive and resonating. Honestly, this series is an absolute gem!

A Winter’s Promise by Christelle Dabos

YA High Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.05 out of stars

Reading ‘A Winter’s Promise,’ Ophelia’s story, is like embarking on an epic journey. A young girl who communicates with the souls of objects and travels through mirrors, she’s plucked from her peaceful life on Anima to marry Thorn from the Dragon clan.

Thrust into a dangerous plot, she navigates the floating capital on the Pole. The world-building is immersive, and you can’t help but get lost in its unique landscapes. The characters, they’re not just fictional entities but friends that evolve with you.

The magic system is a league of its own – forget wands and potions, this is a complex and layered reality that leaves you wanting more. The English translation has perfectly captured the essence of this French novel, making it a gem in the fantasy genre.

“Reading had always been a passion, but since when were passions the only foundations of a life?”

― Christelle Dabos, A Winter’s Promise

Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

YA Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.18 out of 5 stars

The Ballenger dynasty enters a daunting era under Jase’s rule, met with apprehension from neighboring kingdoms. A young queen’s arrival stirs the waters further, much to the Ballenger’s dislike.

Enter Kazi, a famed ex-thief, sent by the queen to investigate territorial disputes, who uncovers a surprising facet of Jase’s character in Ballenger lands. As their paths cross through deceit and secretive aspirations, a risky game begins.

The romance portrayed in this book is a compelling enemies to lovers narrative that beautifully portrays a push-and-pull dynamic. The world-building and pacing set it apart, with a vividly immersive universe and a swiftly progressing plot ensuring an engaging read.

Esperance by Heather Frost

Clean Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.45 out of 5 stars

Amryn, an empath with hidden magic, is a new rebel recruit marrying General Carver Vincetti, the feared ‘Butcher’. If he discovers her secrets while rooting out rebels at the remote Esperance temple, she’s doomed.

Surprisingly, he finds himself drawn to her amidst escalating danger. This book caught me off guard with its irresistible blend of romance, intrigue, and the exhilarating tension of an arranged marriage.

The vivid, well-drawn characters and an intriguing, captivating world-building immersed me entirely. It was a phenomenal journey! The perfect story to add to your clean enemies to lovers fantasy books TBR!

Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

YA Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.12 out of 5 stars

Evangeline Fox, our hopeless romantic, is crushed when her love is set to marry someone else. Desperate, she strikes a dicey deal with the sly Prince of Hearts, promising him three free-will kisses.

But after the first smooch, she realizes she’s in deep—this Prince has big, risky plans for her. Will she get her fairytale ending or endure a heart-shattering tragedy?

Seriously, this book’s a game changer. Imagine—vivid world-building that’s nothing short of magic. The romance? Enough to keep you up at night.

And, let’s not forget the fairytale factor—it’s like a sweet throwback to your childhood, but with layers of complexity for your grown-up side. Bottom line—it’ll make you believe in magic and love again. So, what’s not to like?

“Hope is a difficult thing to kill, just a spark of it can start a fire.”

― Stephanie Garber, Once Upon a Broken Heart

Of Stormlarks and Silence by Constance Lopez

Clean YA Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.32 out of 5 stars

Princess Riona, a child-turned-warrior, has plotted for a decade to avenge her family, usurped by Revon’s ruthless king. Her plan? Infiltrate the palace, charm the prince, expose the magic, and reclaim her kingdom. But the prince, unlike his father, is kind and honorable, complicating Riona’s quest for revenge with unexpected feelings.

This tale of vengeance and unexpected romance is a rollercoaster ride. The plot may be familiar, but it’s the author’s execution—a blend of slow burning romance, tension-filled dialogue, and overarching forgiveness—that makes it a memorable read.

This book, with its satisfying culmination, lingers in your heart long after the final page is turned.

Heart of Ice by K.M. Shea

Clean Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.10 out of 5 stars

Princess Rakel’s tale, penned by KM Shea, is a captivating ride from start to finish. Exiled and feared for her potent snow magic, Rakel is living a solitary life, until a magic-wielding army threatens her homeland. Choosing to ally with those who fear her, Rakel becomes the last line of defense against their conquest.

Shea’s writing style, filled with humor and rich character development, is what truly sets this book apart. Her knack for infusing humor into dialogues doesn’t just provoke laughter, but also deepens character growth and enhances the storyline.

The world-building and magic systems are so meticulously detailed, you’ll feel like you’re stepping into another realm. It’s a book that invites you to immerse yourself in its magical world every time you turn a page.

Fire Heart by Emma Hamm

Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.73 out of 5 stars

In a realm where half-elf Lorelei is sentenced to servitude, she’s thrust into a deadly mission by insurgents: marry the brutal Umbra King and kill him. Yet, the trial to wed him is a lethal dance of charm, skill, and grace. The real peril might be the king’s bodyguard, a dragon who’s a man. Lorelei’s challenge?

Not just her life but her heart, for a dragon mates for life, guarding their treasures fiercely. The book totally swept me off my feet with its splendid blend of thrill and love. The author’s vivid, magical universe, brimming with diverse fantastical creatures, was nothing short of fantastic.

The real page-turner, though, was the multiple POVs, providing a front-row view of the characters’ thoughts and perspectives, making for a delightfully swift and engaging read.

Heart of the Sea by Moriah Chavis

Clean Fantasy Romance
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.15 out of 5 stars

Nerissa Elliot, in a daring move to save her sister, takes over the ship of notorious pirate Cyrus Crow, who ironically, aims to destroy her. Yet, the twist is her unfettered sea powers that can pose a risk for all.

Amid mythical creatures and treachery, their unstable pact and emerging spark are their only hope. Can they rely on each other enough to avoid mutual destruction and realize their aims?

This book plunged me right into an ocean adventure, with the tension of a burgeoning romance between former foes being as thrilling as the high-seas action. The underlying theme of the found family added depth to the characters, with their bonding evident as the story unfolded.

The dual-POV provided an in-depth understanding of each character’s psyche. What struck me was the book’s exploration of healing and love, significantly depicted through the characters’ growth.

Did you find the best clean enemies to lovers fantasy books?

So there you have it, folks! If you’ve been on the hunt for clean enemies to lovers fantasy stories, these books will take you to magical realms, offer you intense action, and serve up a sprinkle of romance that’s as passionate as it is pure.

Remember, it’s not just about two people who start off not quite seeing eye to eye. It’s about the riveting journey they embark on, where they discover not only love but also a deeper understanding of themselves.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive right in, and let these stories sweep you off your feet in the most enchanting way.

Happy Reading! 📚

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