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Christian fantasy books

Have you ever heard of Christian fantasy books for adults? If you love escaping into magical worlds filled with epic battles, dragons, and sweeping tales, then this genre might be perfect for you!

Christian fantasy is a subgenre of Christian fiction that incorporates biblical themes into the plot. You’ll find themes like redemption, good vs. evil, and spiritual warfare intertwined with magical creatures, alternate universes, and mystical powers.


This genre can sometimes be lumped under the edgy Christian genre because they often cover topics that aren’t typically found in traditional Christian literature. Some readers may find these types of books uncomfortable or even offensive, but others appreciate the honest exploration of complex issues within a Christian context.

Christian fantasy books for adults are a great genre to explore! They are not only an entertaining read but can help us explore and strengthen our faith. Through the characters’ struggles and journeys, we can learn more about ourselves and our relationship with God. They can challenge our preconceived ideas and expand our understanding of what it means to follow Christ. Plus, they’re just super fun to read!

I also want to mention that Christian fantasy books aren’t just for kids! There has been a huge surge in the popularity of Christian fantasy books for adults in recent years.

So if you are looking for a new genre to explore, keep on reading to learn my favorite books in this genre.

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If you’re as passionate about reading as I am, why not take the next step and join my exclusive Facebook group, the Clean & Christian Readers Book Club?

It’s the perfect place to dive deeper into your literary journey, get personalized book recommendations, and share your favorite reads with a supportive community.

What is Christian fantasy fiction?

Christian fantasy is basically a fantasy genre that incorporates Christian themes, values, and beliefs. You’ll find similar elements of magic, mythical creatures, and quests, but with a distinct faith-based twist.

There might be themes of good vs. evil, redemption, faith, forgiveness, sacrifice, and hope throughout the storyline. You might see characters overcome temptation, the importance of friendship and community, and the search for meaning and purpose in life.

Unlike secular fantasy which may have a more morally grey compass, Christian fantasy has a clear distinction between good and evil, and characters often draw on their faith to overcome challenges. It’s not just about adventure and world-building, but about exploring spiritual truths and the nature of God.

What is biblical fantasy genre?

Unlike its counterpart, biblical fantasy fiction is storylines that are more obviously Christian versus just using faith themes.

An example would be The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis or Out of Darkness Rising by Gillian Bronte Adams. These books are obviously Christian well still having fantasy elements.

There is no right or wrong way to read Christian fantasy books for adults. Whether it’s more biblical-based or faith themes. Either way, you will be getting to read wholesome stories that help uplift you.

Best Christian fantasy authors

There are so many talented Christian fantasy authors out there that are definitely worth checking out. These authors have brought magic, adventure, and faith themes to their readers in a way that’s truly unique. Here is the short list of recommendations:

  • Ted Dekker
  • Karen Hancock
  • Bryan Davis
  • J.R.R. Tolkien
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Donita K. Paul
  • Patrick W. Carr
  • C.S. Johnson
  • Lindsay Franklin
  • Sharon Hinck
  • Jill Williamson
  • Morgan L. Busse
  • Gillian Bronte
  • Nadine Brandes
  • Jaye L Knight
  • Melanie Dickerson
  • Laurie Lucking
  • Matt Mikalatos
  • Ralene Burke
  • Mary Weber
  • Desiree Williams
  • Serena Chase
  • Charles Martin
  • Kathy Tyers
  • Ronie Kendig
  • Stephen R. Lawhead
  • Thomas Locke
  • Scott Appleton
  • Bryan Davis
  • Chuck Black

This is not a comprehensive list by any means but is just some of my favorite authors that I love to read and ones that I see recommend a lot! I hope this list of the best Christian fantasy authors and the books below can give you a starting point when looking for your next favorite read.

Best Christain fantasy books for adults

Christian fantasy series

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

1| Dìlseachd – A Stolen Crown by Cheyenne van Langevelde

Christian Fantasy

Six years have passed since the Danes invaded Scotland, killing many of its bravest men. Fiona McCurragh faces the looming threat of execution, her crown stolen and her country desolated. The Lowlanders seek to free their stolen homeland and rescue their Highland princess with the help of a blind harper.

However, the Danes shatter the fragile peace, forcing the Scots to launch a war in the face of the coming winter. Fiona finds courage in the friendship of the two chief’s sons, but loyalty no longer has any meaning for some of the Scots and their allies.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: Set in the fantasy world of Scotland, this book has the perfect combination of misty moors and action! The setting was one of my favorite things to read and really captured this cozy, gothic aesthetic.

Fiona is the exact opposite of what you would think she would be and the author did a great job of staying away from stereotypes. A truly unique Christian fantasy book for adults!

Hope, as fleeting and faroff as it was, had arise out of the darkness, but she was too timid yet to take ahold of it.

Dìlseachd – A Stolen Crown by Cheyenne van Langevelde

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

2 | Vivid by Ashley Bustamante

Christian Fantasy

Ava Locke began her journey to become a leader of the magical continent of Magus at age five. Twelve years later, she betrays them unknowingly. Colors are used for magic on Magus, but yellow is banned for mind control.

Elm, a rogue Yellow magic user, escapes imprisonment and fascinates Ava. After helping him evade the Benefactors, Ava uncovers secrets about her world that lead her down a dark path. Ava questions who is manipulating her decisions as she learns about Yellow magic’s power to control victims.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: It is not outrightly Christian, but a completely clean fantasy book written by a Christian author. I loved the uniqueness of the world and the concept of colors controlling magic. A great colorful read for springtime!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

3 | The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella

Christian Fantasy

Alice Liddell wants to escape her ordinary life and find her parents who left her ten years ago. Her sister Charlotte is arrested for having the Wonder Gene, which unlocks Wonderland Reality.

Alice receives an invitation to play for Team Heart in the Wonderland Trials, which are often deadly. She has less than twenty-four hours to get into Wonderland, where nothing is as it seems.

Players go missing during the Trials each year. Will Alice and her team solve the clues and find the missing players? Or will betrayal and distrust win, leaving Alice alone?

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: This is such a fun Alice in Wonderland retelling! This is a great YA Christian fantasy book that will pull you in from the beginning with the intriguing mystery and games. There is no magic in this book, instead, it relies on an alternative universe and imagination!

There are lots of Christian themes present throughout this book that you will find enjoyable to read.

Christian epic fantasy novels

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

1 | Once I Knew by Victoria Lynn

Christian Fantasy

Violet lives a quiet life in a small village, avoiding politics and following the rules. However, chaos ensues when a cruel and unfair new ruler takes over, forcing the people into penal servitude and imprisonment by merciless Kingsmen.

Despite the danger, Violet helps an injured Kingsman she finds in the woods, destroying evidence of his past life to protect herself and her grandmother. But if he regains his memory, can Violet handle the consequences, and can the Kingsman live with his past?

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: One of my favorite aspects of Christian fantasy books is the world building and this novel does it so well! It is set in a vaguely Medieval historical time with fantastic symbolism throughout the story. This book has the perfect combination of interesting characters, a surprising plot line, and Christian themes.

🚨 Love historical fiction? Make sure to go read this post on the top Christian regency romances!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

2 | A Crown of Chains by Erin Phillips

Christian Fantasy

Becoming a queen can turn a fairytale into a nightmare. In the kingdom of Florencia, every beautiful young woman is forced to serve as a royal concubine when the queen is exiled, with only one becoming the queen. Roxana Willows, a wingless fairy with the rare ability to read minds, knows that King Frederick is cruel and fears being his wife.

Despite loving someone else, she hides her fairy heritage and tries to become queen to please her uncle. But becoming queen is the last thing Roxana wants, and it will cost her everything.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: This is a biblical retelling of the story of Queen Esther that is absolutely amazing to read with a fresh perspective. It features the forbidden romance trope with lots of political intrigues.

In the darkness, we gain a deeper understanding of light’s brilliance. And I found the courage to open my eyes, to see that I was never alone in the dark.

A Crown of Chains by Erin Phillips

🚨 If you love romance books, make sure to go check out this blog post with my favorite second chance romance novels!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

3 | Out of Darkness Rising by Gillian Bronte Adams

Christian Fantasy

The Island is cursed, and the villagers there must breathe the poison of the Serpent and die to satisfy him. Marya, whose parents were killed by the Serpent for believing in a legendary king, is now an outcast, struggling to survive and avoid the Tribunal’s wrath.

Torn between legend and reality, she begins to wonder if the old stories might be true when a forgotten promise is remembered. If so, will the promise be stronger than the curse?

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: This book is rich in biblical themes including the fall of man, salvation, and forgiveness. Plus, it is short, only 180 pages, so it’s the perfect book to squeeze in to hit your reading goal for the year.

Christian fantasy romance books

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

1 | Endlewood by Alissa J. Zavalianos

Christian Fantasy Romance

In Griskol, using magic or deceit can result in death. Holland, uncertain of her identity, is fascinated by The Tale of Endlewood and seeks to leave home to find her true place, even if it means hiding her true self.

Markus Fenn farms his father’s land and cares for his family, content with his life. However, a sinister plot disrupts Griskol and Holland becomes embroiled in chaos, while Markus’ peaceful existence is shattered.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: The characters are very relatable and struggle with issues that we all do at some point. With the multiple POVs, you will feel like you are growing alongside the characters.

I fell in love with the world-building that gave Tolkien vibes. This book covers topics like loss, hope, belonging, and redemption. The mermaids and other magical creatures make this a great book to read on the beach.

A heart didn’t need fortified walls made out of fear. No. It needed love, and love had the power to do what fear could not. Restore. Forgive. Mend.

Endlewood by Alissa J. Zavalianos

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

2 | Wishtress by Nadine Brandes

Christian Fantasy Romance

Myrthe can turn tears into wishes, but a curse makes her next tear deadly. To break it, she must journey to the Well while avoiding the king’s soldiers. To survive, she has to harden her heart.

Bastiaan can stop time with a snap of his fingers. He was hired to capture Myrthe and take her to the king. In exchange for taking her to the Well, he asks Myrthe to grant his wish. Despite initially planning to betray her, he falls for her.

Their journey ends with Myrthe’s death since granting a wish kills her. She can’t reveal her curse or else they’ll kill her anyway.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: The plot is intricate and refreshing to read. It covers the good vs evil trope seen in many Christian fantasy books for adults but with such a unique twist! It is a slow build and the ending is amazing!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

3 | Embers by Ronie Kendig

Christian Fantasy Romance

He’s coming for them. And the kingdom.

Haegan and Kaelyria Celahar are heirs to the Nine Kingdoms. Haegan is physically disabled, and Poired Dyrth is the kingdom’s greatest foe, wielding unmatched power with fire.

Their only hope is forbidden: Kaelyria must transfer her fire-harnessing abilities to Haegan. But this comes with a terrible price: Haegan’s disability is healed, but transferred to Kaelyria. King Zireli, their father, unleashes his wrath against Haegan.

Haegan flees the kingdom with two impossible tasks: Find a cure for Kaelyria and stop the all-powerful Poired Dyrth from waging war.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: This author is more known for her Christian military contemporary romances but her dive into fantasy is absolute perfection! This series has the perfect balance of romance and an epic magical quest. I loved all the characters and the plot was very fast-paced.

Christian fantasy books for young adults

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

1 | The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Young Adult Christian Fantasy

Narnia is a magical land hidden behind a wardrobe door that’s always winter. Lucy finds the wardrobe’s secret in an old house. Her siblings don’t believe her at first, but soon they all step through the wardrobe and find a country cursed by the evil White Witch.

With Aslan Lion’s help, they fight to free Narnia from the Witch’s spell and realize they’re part of a great adventure.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: C.S. Lewis is considered one of the top authors of classic Christian fantasy books and you can see why in his writing! I have fond memories of reading this when I was younger and I know anyone who enjoys fantasy and snowy landscapes will love this series!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

2 | DragonSpell by Donita K. Paul

Young Adult Christian Fantasy

Kale, once a slave, is now a servant to Paladin. Despite still having much to learn about the difference between the two, a small group of Paladin’s servants rescues her from danger. However, they take her away from her training at The Hall.

Kale is afraid and unprepared, yet embarks on a perilous adventure to retrieve the meech dragon egg that the evil Wizard Risto has stolen. First, they must locate Wizard Fenworth, but their journey encounters a setback when one of their friends is captured. The group sets off to find Fenworth, rescue their friend, and recover the valuable egg.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: If you love C.S. Lewis then you will love Donita’s books! She has a really unique writing style that will sweep you into the storyline. I also really enjoyed the depth of the characters, and by the end, you will want a baby dragon of your own.

Focus on what’s ahead. Use what is behind.

DragonSpell by Donita K. Paul

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

3 | The Story Peddler by Lindsay A. Franklin

Young Adult Christian Fantasy, Romance

Tanwen, a sculptor of stories, dreams of becoming the Royal Storyteller to escape her harsh mentor and poverty. However, during her last story tour, she inadvertently tells a tale of treason against the king, making her a target of the ruthless king’s guard.

As she flees, Tanwen uncovers secrets and discovers that she’s not the only outlaw. A band of rebel weavers also seeks her out.

🐉 Why this book is a must-read for Christian fantasy fans: This has everything you could want in a Christian fantasy book for young adults! With a cast of great characters that turn into a found family trope, a small love triangle, building suspense, and unique magic, you will be sucked in from the beginning.

Is it bad to read fantasy books if you’re a Christian?

If you have ever struggled with whether it’s okay to read fantasy books, then I’m here to reassure you that there is nothing wrong with reading a little bit of fantasy. C.S. Lewis was a huge Christian author and still decided to write fantasy novels alongside his non-fiction books.

Christain fantasy books for adults allow for a little magical escapism but can also enhance your faith! It allows you to further explore a new perspective on the Christian faith by tackling complex topics like good vs evil, redemption, and loyalty.

Sadly, Christian fantasy books don’t always get the recognition they deserve so it’s important to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Supporting Christian authors brings more value to the genre and allows them to keep creating epic tales.

What is the difference between fantasy and YA fantasy?

The main difference between fantasy and YA fantasy is that YA novels tend to focus more on coming-of-age topics, are centered around younger characters (early to late teenagers), and have simple themes.

Adult fantasy books on the other hand may cover more complex topics, have more violence, include more romance, and have adult-age characters (18+).

This being said, the lines do often get blurred, and depending on the author some things may transfer over to each genre category.

Did you discover the best Christian fantasy books for adults?

I hope you enjoyed this list of my favorite Christian fantasy books for adults! These stories offer not only great entertainment but also the opportunity to stay grounded in your Christian faith. With themes of good vs. evil, epic battles, and even baby dragons, you’re sure to find your next favorite read.

Whether you’re a long-time fan of fantasy or new to the genre, this list is a great starting point. Begin reading and discover your next adventure!

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