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Christian book club ideas

One of my favorite things to participate in as a bookish person are book clubs! I love connecting with like-minded women who love God and a good story. Combining faith and literature creates a unique space for believers to answer deeper questions, foster spiritual growth, and create a loving community.

Finding the right books that everyone will enjoy can be one of the hardest parts of running a club, which is why I wanted to create this Christian book club reading list!

All these books are engaging and have deeper themes that will create interesting discussions in your community. I will also be sharing some tips and tricks on picking the best Christian books for discussion.

Christian book club reading list

Is there a Christian book club?

There are lots of great Christian book clubs that meet on the internet and in person! When you first start searching for a club to join I would suggest seeing if your church (or another church local to you) offers a group.

This can be a great way to connect to your local community and meet new people who share the same beliefs as you.

Because of the internet and Zoom, there are also Christian book clubs that meet all over the world. This can be nice for people with small children at home or women who have a busy schedule.

No matter what type of book club you decide on, it is amazing connecting with individuals who share your love for literature and devotion to the Bible. It’s not just about dissecting the newest bestseller, it’s about building a community that supports and uplifts each other on their faith journey.

What to look for when picking a book for a book club?

So, you’ve joined a book club and everyone is trying to figure out what book to read next. Well here are some quick tips to help you know what to look for when reading a book for a book club!

  1. Thoughtful discussions: Book clubs are successful when they have meaningful discussions about the chosen books. To find good titles, look for ones that encourage thinking and bring up different perspectives. Books with questions that don’t have a clear answer or present moral dilemmas often lead to interesting discussions that explore different viewpoints and challenge our beliefs.
  2. Complex themes: Search for books that dive into deeper subjects. These are the books that encourage you to ponder about the world, look at human behavior, and tackle intriguing problems. Such books offer lots of material for interesting discussions and chances for self-improvement.
  3. Diverse characters: Representation is important! Look for books that feature characters from various backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences. Reading these stories can help you gain a better understanding of people’s lives. Diverse perspectives bring fresh ideas and can help book club members be more empathetic.
  4. Compatibility with faith: As a Christian, I encourage you to choose books that align with your faith. Stick with authors who write clean fiction or only Christian fiction. This will help keep you spiritually grounded, understand biblical truths in a different way, and explore complex topics.
  5. Genre variety: Spice up your book club’s reading list by exploring different genres. Rotate between fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, historical fiction, and even poetry. This variety keeps things interesting, catering to different reading preferences within the group and exposing members to diverse literary styles and voices.
  6. Recommendations and reviews: One of my favorite methods for finding new books is by searching online or reading reviews. There are lots of great book bloggers out there that may have created a list or read the book you are thinking of choosing to read for your book club so do a quick Google search and see what you can find! Also, hop on Goodreads to read other reviews to get a really good idea of what the book is about.
  7. Book length and accessibility: Consider the time and accessibility factors for your book club members. Ensure that the chosen book allows everyone enough time to read and that it is easily available in various formats, such as paperback, e-book, or audiobook. Accessibility ensures inclusivity and encourages active participation.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to select books that not only captivate your book club members but also provide a rewarding reading experience that enhances your discussions and spiritual growth.

What books can I read as a Christian?

If you are a Christian and wondering what books you can safely read, then I have good news for you! The Christian publishing market is stronger than ever, and you can choose from thousands of books.

Christians can really read any genre as long as it’s clean. That means no explicit content and language. Some people like to stick with only books that offer more Christian morals well others don’t mind if it’s more of a general theme.

You can read romance, westerns, fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror, and the list goes on!

Best Christian book club books

The best Christian books for discussion questions:

Christian book club reading list

  1. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
  2. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
  3. This Present Darkness by Frank Pettrii
  4. The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers
  5. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
  6. The Chance by Karen Kingsbury
  7. Distortion by Terri Blackstock
  8. The Mistletoe Countess by Pepper Basham
  9. If It Rains by Jennifer L. Wright
  10. A Heart Adrift by Laura Frantz
  11. The Bookshop of Secrets
  12. The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate
  13. The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof
  14. The Prince and Prodigal by Jill Eileen Smith
  15. Shadowed Loyalty by Roseanna White
  16. Hidden Places by Lynn Austin
  17. Lady Jayne Disappears by Joanna Davidson Politano
  18. When the Day Comes by Gabrielle Meyer
  19. The Edge of Belonging by Amanda Cox
  20. All That It Takes by Nicole Deese
  21. Life Flight by Lynette Eason

Must read Christian classics

Before we get into all the other fiction book recommendations I wanted to share my MUST READ recommendations. If a good majority of the book club group hasn’t read these books then you need to read them ASAP!

I hold all of these books dear to my heart and all of them have profoundly affected my faith and spiritual walk in different ways. They make for great discussions and you won’t regret reading these classics.

  1. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
  2. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
  3. This Present Darkness by Frank Pettrii
  4. The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers
  5. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

Come join my new bookish community!

If you’re as passionate about reading as I am, why not take the next step and join my exclusive Facebook group, the Clean & Christian Readers Book Club?

It’s the perfect place to dive deeper into your literary journey, get personalized book recommendations, and share your favorite reads with a supportive community.

Christian Women’s book club list

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

The Chance by Karen Kingsbury

Contemporary Christian Romance

Ellie and her best friend Nolan buried letters they wrote to each other under an old oak tree with Spanish moss the day before Ellie moved from Georgia to California as a teenager. They planned to dig up the letters 11 years later. But as that date approaches, Ellie’s life has changed drastically.

She no longer has the same faith and is a single mother struggling to make ends meet. Nolan, on the other hand, is a successful NBA star known for his faith, but few know that personal tragedies have fueled his drive to succeed and left him feeling lonely and isolated. The upcoming date is more than just a childhood promise for both Ellie and Nolan – it’s a chance to make sense of everything and find out if it’s ever too late to fall in love again.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This is a great choice for readers who love romance but make it steeped in Grace. Ellie and Nolan are very relatable characters and their struggles are real. A beautiful story that will bring a wide range of discussion points for your group.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

Distortion by Terri Blackstock

Christian Mystery Thriller

When Juliet Cole’s husband is killed before her eyes, she believes it was a random shooting. She is upset and traumatized but manages to answer hours of questioning. When she tells her sons about the tragedy, she receives a threatening voicemail, revealing that the shooting was not random, but a planned attack.

She and her sisters work together to figure out the clues, discovering the dark secrets of her deceased husband. She is left to wonder if her husband was truly an innocent victim or a criminal, as her life falls apart.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? Fair warning for this book, it is not at all a HEA (happily ever after). This is a fast-paced book with lots of twists and turns, that deals with very complex morals while still staying true to Jesus. This a great book to add to your Christian book club reading list!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

The Mistletoe Countess by Pepper Basham

Christian Historical Romance, Christmas

Can the magic of Christmas help unite newlyweds or will past ghosts ruin their holiday? Lord Frederick Percy seeks a marriage of convenience, but when he chooses the wrong woman, a beautiful and dangerous figure from his past, he may have made the right decision after all.

Gracelynn Ferguson never thought she’d marry at Christmas, let alone take her sister’s place. With her love for literature and imagination, she hopes to win Frederick’s heart and solve a murder mystery at Havensbrook Hall before his past ruins their future.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This has everything you could want in a book: romance, mystery, swoony kisses, and marriage of convenience trope. I think this is a great book to read for your December book club pick.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

If It Rains by Jennifer L. Wright

Christian Historical Fiction

It’s 1935 in Oklahoma and life is tough because of the dust. Kathryn Baile is 14 and was born with a clubfoot. Her older sister got married, so Kathryn finds comfort in reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Kathryn’s father decides they should move to Indianapolis for surgery to fix her foot, but there are problems on the way. She has to rely on people she meets on the road to finish her journey.

Melissa Baile Mayfield is in Boise City and has just married a rich man. But as the drought gets worse, Melissa sees her husband’s true colors. She covers her bruises with makeup and struggles to reconcile her life with that of her starving neighbors. Melissa defies her husband and follows God’s lead.

The two sisters face hardship but remain united in spirit, with God guiding them home.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This is a great book set in the dust bowl era and is sprinkled with fun references to The Wizard of Oz. The two sisters’ relationship is inspiring to read and their unique struggles will make good discussion points.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

A Heart Adrift by Laura Frantz

Christian Historical Romance

It’s 1755 and there is a war coming with France in colonial York, Virginia. Esmee Shaw, a chocolatier who has given up on love after a bad breakup, seeks purpose in her life. Captain Henri Lennox returns after a long absence to finish building a lighthouse in the dangerous Chesapeake Bay, once a shared dream with Esmee.

However, the colonial government asks him to lead a secret naval mission against the French, leaving his future uncertain. Will war and regret separate them or will their shared dedication to the colony bring them together?

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This history of the time period is brought to life with this author’s descriptive writing style. The lighthouse and Chesapeake Bay descriptions and the culture brought this book to life. The characters were strong but still displayed a Christ-like gentleness that was wonderful to read. This a great 5-star book to add to your Christian book club reading list!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

The Bookshop of Secrets by Mollie Rushmeyer

Christian Romance, Mystery

Hope Sparrow left her troubled past behind and is now in Wanishin Falls to learn about her family history. However, the old bookshop where she hopes to find the only connections to her late mother and a family treasure is in bad shape, and the owner has dementia.

Hope needs to stay and seek help from the townspeople to find the books she needs. Each discovery brings her closer to her roots, but the longer she stays, the more people she meets and the more attached she becomes. This may be the biggest risk of all.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This has all my favorite plot elements: mystery, dusty bookstore, budding romance, and complex characters. Hope had great character growth throughout the story, and Mollie did a great job of creating side characters with depth as well. Your group will love this book.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate

Historical Fiction

After Reconstruction in Louisiana in 1875, three young women embark on a dangerous journey to Texas, facing ruthless vigilantes and soldiers still fighting a lost war. Lavinia and Juneau Jane seek inheritance and money, while Hannie, a former slave, wants to find her lost family. They travel to the infinite frontiers of Texas, seeking hope.

Benedetta Silva, in 1987 Louisiana, takes a job at a poor rural school in Augustine, Louisiana as a first-year teacher to pay off her student debt. But the small town is suspicious of change and new people. Benny struggles to understand the lives of her poverty-stricken students. However, buried in the history of three young women lies the key to Augustine’s past, hidden in a book that could change everything.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This book is a little slower-paced, but with every line you read, you will be deeply immersed in the characters’ lives. It’s based on true events and records from the Historic New Orleans Collection. Your book club group will enjoy the dual timelines plot, that encourages deep emotions and thought-provoking questions.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof

Christian Historical Romance

Charlie Lionheart grew up in the circus, where he performed for thousands of people. But his true passion was caring for his lions, whom he treated like family. One day, he risks his life to save an orphaned baby from a sideshow.

Meanwhile, nurse Ella Beckley arrives to care for the Gypsy girl and forms a close friendship with Charlie. As they get closer, Charlie shares his secret world with Ella and shows her the sacrifice he made to give hope to the little girl. This helps Ella see that while her faith may be damaged, Charlie’s love can leave a permanent mark on her heart.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This book slowly breaks your heart and then put’s it together piece by piece. Joanne writes in a way that is captivating and has her characters grow so much. You can see the true redemption and hope that God offers each of us through her character.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

The Prince and Prodigal by Jill Eileen Smith

Christian Historical Fiction, Biblical Retelling

Joseph is the favorite son of Jacob but his older brothers are jealous of him and sell him into slavery. They deceive their father about his fate. Joseph is accused of rape and sent to prison while his brother Judah tries to forget his role in the betrayal. After many years, the brothers meet again. Joseph is now in power and Judah asks for mercy. Will they forgive or seek revenge?

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This is a biblical retelling of Joseph (aka Coat of many colors). I think retellings are great for your Christian book club reading list because many of you will already know the story, but the author will bring new life and breadth to the emotions experienced.

It will open up a lot of discussion with its well-researched plot line and help you connect more to these real-life people. This author is known for biblical retellings so make sure to check out her other books.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

Shadowed Loyalty by Roseanna White

Christian Historical Romance, Mystery

Sabina Mancari, daughter of Chicago’s top mob boss, had never questioned her life until someone shot at her. The man she loved turned out to be a secret Prohibition agent, revealing to her how bad the underworld can be. Sabina’s beloved Papa isn’t above the criminal activity she thought he was, forcing her to consider what that means for her and their family.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo, her fiancé, plans to escape their world. Lorenzo’s own struggles with his family’s past, and his attempt to protect Sabina from his flaws, have pushed her toward a Prohibition Agent who now wants to destroy her family. Can they rebuild under the shadow of the Mafia’s dark empire?

Why is it a great pick for your book club? Roseanna writes some of my favorite historical novels and this one doesn’t disappoint! It is set in the roaring twenties with realistic characters and plot devices. There are big themes of God’s hope in dark places and forgiveness. A great historical romance for your club.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

Hidden Places by Lynn Austin

Christian Historical Romance

Eliza came to Wyatt Orchards ten years ago because she missed home. She’s now a widow with three kids and a lot of debt. She’s not sure how she’ll manage the orchard on her own.

One day, a stranger named Gabe shows up at her doorstep looking for work. Eliza doesn’t trust him at first, but he seems to know a lot about farming. She starts to like him but worries that he might have secrets that could hurt her and her family.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This is a stunning novel that after you read it you will feel like you learned something new! The characters are complex and relatable, and written with deep growth. Lynn has a unique writing style that will have everyone in your book club itching to read more of her books.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

Lady Jayne Disappears by Joanna Davidson Politano

Christian Historical Romance, Mystery

After her father’s death in debtor’s prison, Aurelie Harcourt inherits his wealthy family and his pen name, Nathaniel Droll. Her new family doesn’t care for her, except for the houseguest Silas Rotherham.

To uncover the truth about her mother’s disappearance and her father’s death, Aurelie decides to finish her father’s incomplete serial novel, featuring her family as unflattering characters, all while keeping her identity as Nathaniel Droll hidden.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This book is a must-read for your Christian book club! Joanna is an amazing writer and will sweep you away into the setting and the characters’ lives. The puzzle-like mystery had me hooked from the beginning and you will be surprised by the ending.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

When the Day Comes by Gabrielle Meyer

Christian Historical Fiction, Time Travel

Libby has a special gift: she can live two lives at different times. One is in Colonial Williamsburg in 1774, and the other is in New York City during the Gilded Age in 1914.

When she sleeps in one life, she wakes up in the other one without any time passing. On her 21st birthday, Libby must choose one life and give up the other one. It’s a hard decision because she has a lot to lose.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? You might have seen this book floating around Christian reading groups and for good reason! This story is complex and will take you on a journey as you go deeper into Libby’s life. The dual timeline and time travel aspect made this book very unique. Highly recommend you give this new release book a try for your next Christian book club pick.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

The Edge of Belonging by Amanda Cox

Christian Romance

Ivy Rose returns to her hometown to sell an estate left by her grandmother. But while there, she discovers something more. Her grandmother left a way for Ivy to uncover the truth about her adoption. Ivy starts searching for clues but is missing an important piece of information.

Twenty-four years earlier, Harvey James finds an abandoned newborn. For the first time, he feels a connection with another person. But as a homeless man, he can’t care for the baby. He meets two people who offer to help, but he knows he must keep the baby a secret to avoid losing the only person he loves.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? This is a riveting story of God’s power over these three people’s lives that will leave you in a crying mess by the end. The characters are complex and well-developed, making them stay with you long after you put the book down.

This book at its core is about finding a true family no matter where you came from. It will lead to great discussion points within the book club and help everyone understand God’s infinite wisdom.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

All That It Takes by Nicole Deese

Christian Contemporary Romance

Val moves cross-country with her son for a new job, but things don’t go as planned. She rents from her best friend’s brother and gets a chance at a dream career in film. But meeting new people, including her friendly landlord, makes her insecure.

Pastor Miles returns from a mission trip to a new tenant upstairs and a struggling ministry. He stays busy with new projects and pursuing Val without thinking about the future. Val must overcome shyness and Miles must deal with disappointment as they learn true love needs sacrifice.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? If your small group loves romance, then make sure you add this to your Christian book club reading list! It is the perfect blend of romance and faith elements. Both characters experience a lot of spiritual growth that will have you also reflecting on your own life and decisions.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

Life Flight by Lynette Eason

Christian Romantic Suspense

EMS helicopter pilot Penny Carlton is used to high-stress situations. During a raging storm, she is forced to land on a mountain with a critical patient. To make things worse, there is a serial killer on the loose. FBI Special Agent Holt Satterfield helps Penny survive this ordeal.

However, the danger is not over yet. In the following days, Penny is under attack. Holt receives news that he may not have captured the killer, and now they must work together to catch him before he catches them.

Why is it a great pick for your book club? The book has the best blend of romance, action, and suspense. The characters are well-developed and the plot line is full of twist after twist.

Did you discover the best Christian book club reading list for your group?

Wow! I hope you were able to find some books that you can add to your Christian book club reading list! All these novels will offer a unique opportunity for spiritual growth, creating connections with like-minded women, and delving into great discussions.

As you go through this list and maybe come back from more, you will be able to start seeing the benefits (and fun) of having a book club. If you need any more book club recommendations, check out this post on non-fiction books from Lifeway.

Literature is a powerful tool to deepen our faith and get re-inspired. Happy reading and growing, my friends!

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