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Trying to figure out the best way to start the maze runner books in order to read? I’ve got you covered!

text says the maze runner books in order to read with images of maze runner novel covers in background

Alright, so you’re ready to dive headfirst into the devastated world of The Maze Runner series by James Dashner, but the whole order thing’s got you scratching your head, right?

No worries—I’ve been there, done that, and now I’m here to pass on the wisdom. You see, having devoured these books from cover to cover when they first started getting published back in 2009, I’ve become something of a “Maze Runner” guru. And trust me, getting the order right makes a huge difference in how you’ll experience the story.

The Maze Runner books are like a wild, heart-pounding rollercoaster designed by a genius with a flair for the dramatic. 

Written by the incredibly talented James Dashner, they’re not just books; they’re a whole experience. 

From the thrilling events of The Maze Runner to the jaw-dropping revelations in The Death Cure, Dashner’s world is immersive, and getting the reading order spot-on is your ticket to fully enjoying the ride without any unwanted spoilers or confusion. 

Rest assured, I’ve got your back (no reason to go through countless comments on Reddit). I’m here to guide you through it and make sure your reading adventure is as epic as it’s meant to be. 

Buckle up—it’s going to be an unforgettable trip through the Glade and beyond!

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Complete list of the Maze Runner books – Chronological Order

This is the first way you could read it, following the traditional “read the prequel before the main series” route. I wouldn’t suggest following this order because you might come across some spoilers in the prequels. 

  1. (Prequel) The Kill Order (2012)
  2. (Prequel) The Fever Code (2016)
  3. The Maze Runner (2009) (first book in the trilogy)
  4. The Scorch Trials (2010) (second book in the trilogy)
  5. (Short Story) Thomas’s First Memory of the Flare (2011)
  6. The Death Cure (2011) (third book in the trilogy)
  7. (Novella) Crank Palace (2020)
  8. The Maze Cutter (2022) 
  9. The Godhead Complex (2023)

Best way to read the Maze Runner series (in order of publication)

This is the way I like to read the books! Going by the publication date can really enhance your experience with the series. You really get into the storyline (no spoilers) and can totally fall in love with the characters and plot.

  1. The Maze Runner (2009)
  2. The Scorch Trials (2010)
  3. (Short Story) Thomas’s First Memory of the Flare (2011)
  4. The Death Cure (2011)
  5. (Prequel) The Kill Order (2012)
  6. (Prequel) The Fever Code (2016)
  7. (Novella) Crank Palace (2020)
  8. The Maze Cutter (2022)
  9. The Godhead Complex (2023) 

Spin-off series of The Maze Runner: The Maze Cutter Series

This spin-off series is set in the Maze Runner world, seventy-three years after the events in The Death Cure. The new books are: 

  1. The Maze Cutter (2022)
  2. The Godhead Complex (2023)

PS. This dystopian series is awesome for young adult readers and adults! No sexual content here (as always in my recommendations!), just some made-up Glader swear words. But overall, it’s totally clean!

Maze Runner Books (Descriptions in Publication Order)

Maze Runner Books in Order of publication infographic

1. The Maze Runner 

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.05 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

When Thomas wakes up in a strange lift with no memory except his name, he discovers himself in the Glade, surrounded by others who are also suffering from memory loss. They are confined by ever-shifting walls inside of a deadly maze, where survival hinges on running. 

With the arrival of the first girl, a chilling message signals imminent change: Remember. Survive. Run.

“I just…feel like I need to save everyone. To redeem myself.”

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner

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2. The Scorch Trials

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.90 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Solving the Maze was supposed to be the end. Thomas thought that escaping would mean freedom for him and his fellow Gladers. But WICKED’s Phase Two, the Scorch, has just started. The Gladers have two weeks to cross the Scorch, a burned-out section of the world, and WICKED has stacked odds against them. 

Friendships tested, loyalties broken. All bets off. Others are now in the mix, survival linked to Gladers’ destruction – determined to live.

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3. Thomas’s First Memory of the Flare

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.95 out of 5 Stars |  ✅ Read it!

A quick flashback that happens between “The Scorch Trials” and “The Death Cure.” It’s only 3 pages long!

It’s a Books A Million Exclusive and you can for free read it here.

4. The Death Cure

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.78 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

It’s the end. WICKED has taken everything from Thomas: his life, memories, and now his only friends – the Gladers. The trials are complete after a final test. Will anyone survive? 

Thomas remembers more than WICKED realizes, enough to doubt everything they say. The truth will be terrifying. Thomas survived the Maze and the Scorch, willing to risk anything to save his friends. But the truth might end it all. No more lies.

“I don’t think there is a right or wrong anymore. Only horrible and not-quite-so-horrible.”

― James Dashner, The Death Cure

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5. The Kill Order

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.71 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Before WICKED, the Glade, and the Maze, Earth got hit hard by sun flares, setting off a deadly virus outbreak that led to chaos. 

Mark and Trina managed to survive, but a new illness causing rage is a threat to the human race. They’re on a mission to save the remaining survivors, battling for survival in a world where life is a rare find.

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6. The Fever Code

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.04 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Once upon a time, there was a world on the brink of collapse. The forests burned, lakes vanished, and oceans rose. A devastating plague swept through, claiming families and leaving chaos in its wake. 

During this turmoil, WICKED searched for answers and stumbled upon Thomas and he built a mysterious maze. As secrets, lies, and unexpected loyalties came to light, Thomas’s tale unfolded – a narrative of maze creation and unraveling. Prepare to discover all the hidden truths of the story of Thomas.

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7. Crank Palace

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.10 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Newt, after going through the Glade, the Maze, the Scorch, and WICKED, now finds himself facing the Flare on his own. Not wanting to burden Thomas and the others, he leaves a note and escapes to the streets, avoiding the infected. 

Seeking refuge at the Crank Palace, he meets a young mother Keisha, and her son Dante, who end up saving him unexpectedly. 

Set during the events of The Death Cure, this is the story of Newt’s internal struggles, that come to light as he searches for purpose amidst the chaos. 

His journey unfolds towards a decisive ending and a final meeting with his dearest friend.

“He liked to think he was brave, but he felt the fear of so much unpredictability, swirling all around him like the waters of a raging ocean, sharp rocks hidden beneath the dark, white-capped surface.”

― James Dashner, Crank Palace

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How many Maze Runner movies are there?

There are exactly three Maze Runner film adaptations that you can see on the big screen. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • The Maze Runner (2014): The one that started it all, throwing us headfirst into those mysterious and deadly mazes.
  • Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015): Things heat up with even more action and puzzles to solve outside the maze.
  • Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018): The epic conclusion that wraps up the trilogy, answering our burning questions.

Each one packs a punch with thrilling scenes and heart-racing moments. Definitely a must-watch if you love the books!

FAQs about the Maze Runner book series

What order should you read The Maze Runner books in?

Ah, the golden question! For the best ride through the Maze Runner universe, I’d say stick to the publication order. It lines up like this:

  1. The Maze Runner
  2. The Scorch Trials
  3. The Death Cure
  4. The Kill Order (prequel)
  5. The Fever Code (which actually comes before The Maze Runner but was published last, adding layers to the backstory).
  6. The Crank Palace (novella)

Trust me, going in this order keeps the suspense and reveals perfectly paced.

Do you need to read the Maze Runner prequel books?

Oh, totally not a must, but definitely a “why not?” thing. Reading the prequels, The Kill Order and The Fever Code, gives you a deeper dive into the Maze Runner world.

It’s like getting the backstory on your favorite movie character – not essential for following the main books story but super cool for getting the full picture. 

Are there 5 or 6 Maze Runner books?

There are technically 3 main Maze Runner books if you’re just looking at the core story.

But, if we include the prequel novels and novella, that bumps it up to 6. So, yeah, you can say there’s a six-pack of Maze Runner goodness waiting for you!

Are Maze Runner books connected?

Oh, for sure! Each book is tightly connected, telling a larger, epic story. The Maze Runner trilogy blasts through most of the action, while the prequels and novella add layers and fill in the backstory. 

Think of it like watching a TV series with flashbacks that explain everything. It’s all one big, wild ride!

Do I need to read all Maze Runner books?

Well, technically, if you’re just aiming to get through the main story of The Maze Runner, sticking to the main trilogy will do the trick. 

But, and it’s a big but, tossing in the prequels and the novella into your reading mix adds so much depth and color to the story. So, short answer? Not a must, but oh-so-worth it!

Is Maze Runner 5 a prequel?

Yup, Maze Runner 5, which is actually The Fever Code, is a prequel. It takes you right back to the beginning, showing how the whole maze situation got started. It’s like a throwback episode that fills in all the gaps. Super interesting stuff!

Did you discover the correct Maze Runner Books in order to read?

Alright, Maze Runner fans, there you have it – your very own guide to tackling this wild and wind-swept series in all its glory! Starting from the nerve-wracking chases in the maze to unraveling the mysteries that led there in the first place, you’ve got a roadmap to epic adventure. 

Whether you’re a newbie gearing up for your first run or a returning fan looking to catch all the details you missed, reading these books in order will surely kick your experience up a notch.

And hey, because I know trying to remember the right order of books can feel a bit like trying to escape the maze itself, I’ve got a little something to make your life easier. 

Why not download our handy PDF guide? 

It’s perfect for quick reference. Just click the link, download, and you’re all set for a smoother reading adventure.

Happy reading, and remember, WICKED is good… or is it? Guess you’ll find out!

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