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Have you ever wondered about the Alice in Wonderland books in order? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

Ah, the Alice in Wonderland series. It’s like this wild, whimsical rabbit hole of adventures that I tumbled into as a young adult back in my high school days. It was more than just reading; it was experiencing a burst of creativity and imagination that stuck with me. 

I mean, who doesn’t remember the first time they met the Cheshire Cat or had tea with the Mad Hatter? You could say I’ve become a bit of an enthusiast, collecting various editions and exploring every adaptation I could get my hands on. 

Throughout this time, I’ve pieced together not just the stories, but the heartbeat of this series, understanding its nuances and the best ways to enjoy its magic. 

If you’re feeling a tad confused about how to approach these books or wondering what order will serve you the best slice of this fantastical pie, you’re in luck. 

Coming from someone who has navigated through this Wonderland with both excitement and a scholarly lens, I promise to guide you with all the expertise of a seasoned Wonderland explorer. 

Sit tight; we’re about to jump down the rabbit hole together!

Alice in Wonderland books in order to read

Alright, so when it comes to untangling the Wonderland series, going by the order of publication is like grabbing a cup of coffee before a marathon — it sets you up just right. 

Trust me, with stories as layered as these, catching them in the order they were released to the world gives you a front-row seat to Lewis Carroll’s evolving imagination. 

You start off at the very beginning, where everyone else did, and boy, is it a trip to see how things unfold from there.

  • Alice’s Adventures Under Ground (Original Version published later in 1886)*
  • Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Published in 1865)
  • Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (Published in 1871)
  • The Hunting of the Snark (Published in 1876)
    • The Hunting of the Snark isn’t a must-read unless you’re diving deep into Alice’s world. It takes bits from Carroll’s earlier poem “Jabberwocky” in Through the Looking-Glass. You don’t have to read it to get the main series, but it’s a fun little extra.
  • A Wasp in a Wig (lost chapter of Through the Looking Glass) (Published in 1977)
  • The Nursery Alice (1890)

*Note: You can just read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland published in 1865, but I find it worth it to start in what was supposed to be the “first version”, Alice’s Adventures Under Ground

Who is Lewis Carroll?

Lewis Carroll, 1863.
Oscar Gustav Rejlander—Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Lewis Carroll, born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson on January 27, 1832, was a multifaceted English author, poet, and mathematician. 

Known for his imaginative storytelling, he penned the beloved classic “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” His whimsical narratives continue to captivate readers of all ages, showcasing his exceptional talent for weaving enchanting tales.

You can dive deeper into his life and work at Britannica or Biography

How many books does Alice in Wonderland have?

When we’re talking about the Alice in Wonderland series, it might feel like we’re counting rabbits popping out of a magical hat.

But here’s the scoop – according to the lineup we just walked through, there are technically two main books chronicling Alice’s bonkers and brilliant adventures, which are “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.” 

However, if you’re including the original version, the lost chapter, and the adapted version for younger readers, that brings our total up to a whimsically wonderful five. 

But remember, the core adventures that have kept readers tumbling down rabbit holes for generations are captured in those two iconic books.

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Alice in Wonderland books description

1. Alice’s Adventures Under Ground

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.5 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Flipping through the original manuscript was truly magical. This book is the manuscript of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, penned by Lewis Carroll for Alice Liddell, the inspiration behind the adventure. Carroll sketched the illustrations and wrote by hand, adding a personal touch that makes you feel connected to the past. 

The evolution of the story from a personal gift to the published version is fascinating, offering a glimpse into Carroll’s creative process. Overall, delving into this book is like going on an adventure with Carroll and Alice – a unique and unforgettable experience.

2. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Diving into Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is like rediscovering childhood wonder through the eyes of Alice, a girl who chases a White Rabbit into a world of oddities and endless imagination. I felt like I was right beside her, navigating through whimsical twists and a cast of quirky characters, all while wrapped in the magical cocoon of the story’s narrative. 

It’s a delightful escape from the mundane, perfect for anyone craving a dash of whimsy and enchantment. Really, it’s a must-read for adding a little spice of fantasy to the everyday.

“Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”

The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know,” Alice answered.

“Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland

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3. Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.02 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Alice’s adventure through the looking glass isn’t just a sequel; it’s a whimsical reunion with our favorite characters, filled with Dodgson’s clever twists on mirror imagery, time, and chess. It’s like catching up with old friends in the quirkiest way possible. 

Reading it wrapped me in charm and wonder, making every page a delightful surprise. If you’ve got a thing for Alice’s wild rides, trust me, this book is a treasure chest of fun, making you grin like the Cheshire Cat. Seriously, it’s a whimsical must-read.

“Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.”

― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

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4. A Wasp in a Wig

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.6 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

Alice’s encounter with a grouchy, elderly wasp donning a yellow wig is a gem unearthed from the depths of Carroll’s imagination. Found in a chapter that would’ve snugly fit after the White Knight’s tales, it throws you into a whirl of Carrollian jest, wordplay, and a verse dedicated to the wasp’s wig. 

Martin Gardner says finding “The Wasp in a Wig” is a big deal for anyone who delights in Carroll’s language, humor, and, well, peculiar wasps. It’s a bite-sized masterpiece that captivates as much as the original, if not more.

Imagine stumbling upon a tiny but mighty chapter that you can zip through yet leaves you wanting to chat about it with anyone willing to listen. That’s the magic of this short but sweet discovery.

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5. The Nursery Alice

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 3.93 out of 5 Stars | ✅ Read it!

The Nursery Alice is pretty much a bedtime hit, blending the original’s wonder with eye-catching, colored illustrations that grab young people by the imagination. It’s like a sprinkle of magic on our bookshelf, not just for giggles but for sparking an early love for reading. 

Watching my daughter get lost in Wonderland, with its easy-to-grasp language and beautiful drawings, is a treasure. Seriously, for parents looking to beef up their little library of picture books and enjoy some quality time, this book is a goldmine.

 Short, sweet, and splendidly magical—it’s a joyous ride through Alice’s adventures, making each reading session a memorable family moment.

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FAQs about Alice in Wonderland book series

What was the first book written in the Alice in Wonderland series? 

The first book written in the Alice in Wonderland series is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland published in 1865.

What genre is the Alice in Wonderland series?

Alice in Wonderland is technically nestled right into the fantasy genre, but it’s also a top-notch example of literary nonsense – which is a real genre, I promise! Plus, it’s considered one of the first portal fantasies out there. How cool is that?

Which version of Alice in Wonderland should I read?

Oh, if you’re gonna jump down this rabbit hole, you absolutely gotta grab the MacMillan Edition of Alice in Wonderland. Why? Because it’s rocking those original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel that first brought Wonderland to life in the most whimsical way imaginable. 

Plus, experiencing the story with those classic drawings is just… chef’s kiss. Seriously, it adds so much charm and depth to the tale! 

What are the three books of Alice in Wonderland?

Technically, Alice’s whimsical adventures are captured in just two main books: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (you know, the 1865 classic) and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (the 1871 sequel that somehow makes things even curiouser). 

But hey, if you’re after all the books, we can’t leave out Alice’s Adventures Under Ground (original, shorter version of Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland), A Wasp in a Wig (a lost chapter from Through the Looking-Glass), The Nursery Alice (abridged version of fist book).

What is the rarest Alice in Wonderland book?

Oh, you’re talking about rarities? The true unicorn of the Alice books has got to be the supremely scarce 1865 first editions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Get this – it’s so rare because a handful of these books were actually recalled and trashed due to poor printing quality of the images. 

Only about twenty-three of these limited editions are known to exist today. Can you imagine stumbling upon one of those? That’s like finding a hidden treasure!

What grade level reading is Alice in Wonderland?

Alice in Wonderland is typically pegged as around a 3th to 8th grade reading level. But, don’t get it twisted, it’s still a total gem for readers of all ages. Just like many classic books, reading them as an adult can reveal new discoveries that you might have missed as a kid. 

Did you discover the Alice in Wonderland collection?

Well, there you have it, folks – a whimsical rabbit hole of wonder that spans across the original Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, dives through Through the Looking-Glass, and even wiggles its way into some ultra-rare collector’s dreams. 

Whether you’re revisiting these tales as an adult, or introducing them to the bright-eyed readers in your life, there’s no denying the magic that these books hold within their pages. 

Now, what say you? Isn’t it about time you tumbled down that rabbit hole yourself? 

Grab a copy of this timeless classic and start the adventure today. 

Who knows what wonders you’ll discover? 

Happy reading!

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