Finding Wholesome Books, One Page at a Time

Welcome to Fruitful Reader.

Looking for your next favorite book? You’re in the right place.

Dive into handpicked recommendations and cozy up with a good read. Feels like a lazy afternoon with a hot drink and a great book, doesn’t it?

Hi there!

I’m Kassidy Griffin,

The proud founder of Fruitful Reader. I’ve been burying my nose in books since 2004 and, let me tell you, I’ve gone through thousands of them across all genres.

You can catch me reading pretty much every single day. Since starting Fruitful Reader, I’ve had the joy of helping countless women discover wholesome, clean, and spiritually uplifting books.

I’m on a bit of a mission, you see. I want to assist you in finding your next favorite book. Can’t wait to get started, can you?

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Let’s get you started with tracking your TBR!

Included in the tracker are review pages, favorite authors, challenges, and more!